We've won a couple of awards, so I am going to do one right now. The other is more for mama, so that will be another time.
This is from my friend Sherkhan. Every month on the 21st Sherkhan is giving a Happy Cat Award to 6 cat friends. It is for no particular reason other than being a good friend. What the awardees need to do is to list five things that make them happy, link back to the blog that gave them the award and pick 6 friends to pass it on to.
My 5 things:
1. Mama makes me happy.
2. Mr. Hendrix, my boyfriendcat, makes me happy.
3. My friends make me happy.
4. A nice partment makes me happy. Remember the crappy place I used to live in?
5. Cuddles make me happy.
And I am passing this on to:
5. Billy Sweetfeets