May 31, 2011

Hello Again

We had a nice quiet weekend, with the exception of some rain.  And Yesterday We Had the AIR Thingy On!
When I get too cool with it on, mama surrounds me with a blankie.
Mama finished a book today about the Civil War.  Now she's starting a book that takes place in Minnesnowta. Really nothing to  talk about, but the movie on Thursday is the ghost in the darkness. It is supposed to be scarey. One of the other residents here (one who ALWAYS attends movie night) volunteered it.
Just in case you forgot what a pretty kitty I am:
See? Mama always takes care of me!

Our new background to our puter is really pretty, too.  But it kind of makes me thirsty!
Minnehaha Falls
Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis

Our old one made me hungry.  It was a picture of a whale. I understand they are getting endangered, so I would never eat one. Whales look like they could eat several of US!

May 28, 2011

Hello on Saturday

My mama's eye is still funny. Something came off some fluid in the back of her eye and is floating around. It doesn't mean a detached renta (?) it is just crappy.  It can take up to a year to disappear on it's own. Mama says "follow the bouncing ball, and follow and follow and follow"
If mama stares straight ahead, it disappears.  But if she is watching tv or reading or something like that, she gets the bouncing ball.  I told her it doesn't hurt anything to stare straight ahead. Cats do it all the time. Then we fall asleep. She says sometimes that is not an option for beans. Like when they read or watch tv or cook yummy foods, or feed kitty cats. She asked me if I really wanted to have her stare straight ahead, fall asleep, and NOT feed me. Hmmmmmm. Guess not.
It is bright and sunny here, and the sunbeams are so nice. So I am getting nice and toasty. Mama played a movie called "The Sting" last night. Now, who would want to watch somebuddy get stinged in the first place? Again, beans are WEIRD.
Have a nice long weekend.

May 24, 2011

Purrs reqested!

Mama has an early early morning appointment to have someone check a problem with her right eye.  They said it is a problem with her retna, what ever that is. A part of her eye is all I know.  So please purr for her tomorrow, please, please.
Thanks SO much,

May 23, 2011

Monday Stuff

Wow! What a weekend we had! Saturday mama  got to go to a volunteer dinner downstairs in the community room. Everyone who volunteers here got to go, whether they help out in the flower gardens (we usually at least have flowers around the flagpole in the front, and a small heart shaped flower bed on the side), fixing things like a special cover for the billiards table in the community room, helping security, making sure the laundry room is clean, having a monthly birthday cake for beans, cooking for various special functions, helping the neighborhood food shelf, sending cards to hospitalized residents, running vesper services on Sunday, or running the movie night like mama does.  They had a choice of food: ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, beans, potato chips and two kinds of salad and watermelon for dessert. Of course, mama didn't bring me anything, but that was okay.  I don't volunteer to do anything but  be mama's beautiful diva, and I get lots of Denties for that every day. She also won a door prize ( a purse) and got to pick out a piece of jewelry (earrings), and got to take some of the bread home. Okay, the ciabatta bread was interesting. 
Then camed Sunday afternoon with the bad storms. There were bad tornados south of where mama grew up in Missouri. They crushed Joplin, Missouri, even the high school and the hospital! There were tornados here, and north Minneapolis was badly hit. We live east of there, so we managed to stay relatively safe.
We are praying (and purring) for all the beans and furry things that lost their homes, and are grateful we still have ours. And I stayed close to mama when the sirens for bad weather  sounded and the rain beated against our windows.
After the bad storms out camed the sun, of course, and we are thankful we got some sunshine, but it was in the late afternoon, and I don't get sunbeams in the afternoon.  Still, it was very nice after such a bad day.
It's supposed to rain again today, but I don't think we are getting the bad storms. Another thing to be grateful for!
We're getting some groceries today, and that's about all the news.
Please purr for all the beans and animals who need help after the bad storms. Some don't even have a place to call home anymore.
Count yourself very lucky if you do.

May 21, 2011

Saturday Stuff

All I can say about today is RAIN.  Mommy left the window open in my room so I am not there.  I am curled up on my bed in the living room!. Nice blankie to curl up in. Near mama. Sweet.
Mama just ordered some groceries for Monday.  NO DENTIES. Well, the place she ordered from had a free delivery. So when she uses her regular grocery place, THEY have Denties.  And I do have some in the pantry, so I'm not out by any means. Mama knows to stock up.
Here I am for probably the rest of the day:
See? Mama even covered me up!

Have a sweet Saturday!

May 19, 2011

Hello Again

Whew. Mama has been busy. I finally got her to sit down and type for me! Even though she is off to our library in a little while.  Yup. The library is finally OPEN! Mama is going to look around the place and pick up a movie for tonight. Yup.  They have movies to check out.  For free. Mama is going to show the "classic suspense" Rear Window tonight, and they have it.
We have been waiting a year for the place to be remodeled and open.  Mama has been checking out books on line and reading them on the computer, but since she doesnn't have a Nook she is stuck reading at the puter and not able to read the books other places.  Like doctor's waiting rooms and such. Now she is free to do both, check out books AT the library and carry them home or check out books on line and read them on the puter.
As of yet they do not have a library cat.
I hope they have rats.Tee Hee.

May 9, 2011

Wash Day??

What did I do wrong??
I was nice for Mommy Day.  I really was.
Then How Come I Had to Take a BATH Today???
Glad her picture of me didn't turn out really good.
Well, she did keep calling me a pretty girl. And she rubbed me with a towel and told me how good I was, and even used her hair dryer that styles on me.  And she said I am soo clean and my furs are so soft.  And she keeps calling me her pretty girl. And my furs ARE soft.
I guess now I am even prettier?? It makes the BATH kinda a good thing. MAYBE. Just MAYBE.

May 8, 2011

Mommy Day

To all the moms of beans and furs
who love us (and feed us good stuff)
and cherish us (and give us furever homes):
We love you (and all you do for us).
Thank you for being our mommy!

May 3, 2011

Vampire Alert!

Mama told me that there is a problem in this country called bed bugs. They are all over the country, and even in movie theatres and resterants! EVEN IN THIS BUILDING! They suck blood out of you. They are VAMPIRES! I don't have that much blood to spare! I'm only a little cat!
We had  a massive spraying to prevent them here. (Our cute bug guy!) And there are some food delivery places barred from delivering here. Wow.
That means they won't get me, right? I mean vampires.  I mean, what would happen to me?  I would become a VAMPIRE CAT?????

May 2, 2011

Monday Madness

Okay.  I was stuffed in the PTU again this morning. I had to spend a long time in it.  Mama even had to clean the bottom of it cause I had to pee (when you gotta, you gotta) at one point.  Yup, we were back in the upstairs lounge again. Only this time there was no couch for mama, just straight back chairs, and my PTU got put on the table in front of her.
I gaved her dirty looks.  She gaved me denties. And water. And some of her lunch (clam chowder, yum).Then I gaved her more dirty looks. And more. And more.
That's right. We had some more work done in the kitchen and the rest of the partment.  This was fix up stuff. And they wanted us gone. And out of their way.
So I am back home now. Out of that stupid PTU. Ahh, real crunchies.  Real water.  Real bed. Real rocking chair. AND REAL KITTY BOX!
Makes up for no sun today. Sorta.
Mama said something about a bath. For me.  I hope I scape that one.