September 25, 2011

Sunday, Sweet Sunday

Nice day to cuddle on the daybed (or my rocker), and especially to watch my mama clean the bathroom floor for the umpteenth time this week!  She's also finished a bunch of books this week, cause of no tv. And I have gotten a lot of treats. And lots of fresh water (she washs the dish several times a day cause she can't think of things to do when she isn't watching tv).
It was supposed to rain today, but we had sunbeams this morning, and it only looks a little rainy east of us.
She can't wait for the cable creeps to come tomorrow. She promised not to be nasty to them, but you never mess with a bean who hasn't seen Eastenders for two weeks!
Tomorrow is also grocery day. Tuesday is medicine delivery day. Wednesday is go downtown and leave me by myself (party, anyone?) day. Thursday is food bank afternoon and movie night. Friday is (cross your paws) the day Tracie will come over.  And it will be the night mama finally gets to see Eastenders! And I can catch up on Animal Planet!!
Busy week.  But mama promises to let me blog.  Right, mom?
brandi (minus the Animal Planet)


The Florida Furkids said...

Wow....that schedule tired us out! We need a nap now!!! Have a great week.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

PugMommy said...

Sounds like a busy week.