August 10, 2018

Once again

Well, we have been gone awhile.
Once again Mommy was in the hospital. This time it was because she choked really bad and had fluid and food  in her lungs and there was some mention of problems with her heart.  After a several day stay she is home. I told her off for at least  a day.  Don't do that again, Mom.  The paramedics  were nice  and made sure I had foodies and water, but they took you away! Take better care of yourself!
Yes, she did yell at me finally to shut  up, but she also told  me she loved me and missed me and was sorry I was scared. So was she.
Now things are going okay again. We had Laura, our new cleaner in on Thursday. She has yet to clean the bathroom, and Mommy had to redo some of the stuff she did in the cupboards (she had left pots and pans sitting on the counter and plastic stuff in the cupboards Mommy found and Mommy was a little mad).
Anyway, next week Laura won't be here as we have not only another inspection but a doctor's appointment for her eyes again, and another day another doctor's appointment.
So today Mommy will be gone this afternoon, but she will be going to see a possible place for us to move into some time.
We are also in a new heat wave, But our a/c coolie thingy is working very well and we are comfy.
So that is the update for now.
Hope you had a good World Cat Day. Mommy forgot.
But I always get kissies….
Love ya,
and yes, we are now okay, so don't worry,
prayers accepted as  usual,
Quinnie and Mommy Carol
Send a pizza????


Colehaus Cats said...

Sending showers of purrs and whisker kisses!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad your mom is home and doing better. Can imagine it was a terrible scare! both of you stay healthy and hope your mom finds you a new place to live.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

quinnie....we hope ta cod mom iz better.. N stayz better....thatz scaree stuff ~~~~~~~ :(

N pizza piez.....we can send over 92...howz that !! everee one bee happee N healthee ~~~~~~~

Deziz World said...

Glad to hear your mommy's okay and back home with you Quinn. We can only 'magine how scary that must have been. Hope your mommy finds ya'll a new place to live ifin that's what ya'll want. Sendin' hugs and purrayers.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Mickey's Musings said...

We are sorry to hear that your mum was in hospital. How scary that must have been !
We purr she is better and that her eye appointment goes well.
Good think you have A/C! It has been a mighty hot Summer.
Purrs to you and your mum.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Purrrrrs for healing. I was in the hospital this time last year. Never fun!