April 12, 2008

Update and Purrayers

Hey, we're doing better. The boxes are still here. Unopened. The "third" box is not here, and I am waiting impatiently. Like you.

And Fraxie wants to turn this light on and leave it on until her baby sister arrives. She's waiting impatiently for her little sister. She doesn't care about the boxes.

And mama says we have to forget all that and purray for some kitty friends. So, I guess, we better do that. Kitty friends are more important than boxes and little sisters who aren't here yet, anyway. So, sending lots of purrayers and good thoughts to a bunch of sweet kitties who need help. Check out the Cat Blogosphere for any updates on our kitty friends, and purr loud and hard for them. And check out Chatzy for purrayers, too.
We have lots of room here if you want to come over and purray together.



Mr. Hendrix said...

I'm on my way sweetie. We can hold paws with your mommy and pray together. Mommy and I are so worried about our friends.

I'm sure Fraxie is so excited about her new little sister. We can't wait to meet her. Maybe you could turn the light on just sometimes at night to make Fraxie happy.

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

We are purrraying real hard for them. And we hope your boxes come real soon.