October 25, 2009

Sunday SNooze News

It's awful foggy here.  It's like living in a cloud.  Friday night mama and I didn't have a couch or bed, so mama had to sleep on a chair. So did I. I can do it better than she can. They took the bed and the couch out on Friday and sprayed for buggies again.
Saturday she was watching the tracking for the delivery of the mattress.  She stayed by the phone all day, including taking it into the bathroom!  Then she read that the customer was not home and delivery would be next Tuesday.  She gotted very mad.  She called the shipping company and said she was in front of the phone all day, no one called, they just returned the shipment and it wasn't like it was a frivolous thing it was a mattress and she had a heart problem and couldn't sleep on the floor for 4 nights.  The manager was at a meeting.  Hmmmph.  So she called the daybed place and they got a hold of the shipper and they worked out a second delivery! Then it took her a couple of hours to take it out of the box and bag and into the vinal cover and put a sheet on it.  It's a neat sheet.  It is flannel and green plaid. Warmies! But mama accidentally hit a lamp and it broked to smitherines when she was doing all this. It was 28 years old and part of a pair. Mama said it's a small price to pay, it was inexpensive in the first place, and put her old bedroom lamp in it's place until we can afford to buy another one.
She called and left a message for the daybed place to thank the lady who talked to the  shipper for her. Mama's like that.   She used to work at customer service a few years back, and knows how good it feels when a customer gets back to you and says thank you for going above and beyond your job. And that lady did.
Since the rest of the daybed isn't here yet, the mattress is on the floor.
Monday her nice cleaners are going to come back and clean and help arrange stuff.
Oh, did I tell you?  She found a daybed cover and dust cover in blue and they were on sale at Overstock dot com! So the lamp really will have to wait. She bought them on line before she broked the lamp.
Mama's feet swelled up really bad last night and hurtied so I am being extra good today.


Freya's Staff said...

I'm glad it all worked out in the end!

Motor Home Cats said...

That was very nice of the daybed lady to help your mama out, and very nice of your mama to call back and thank her. We hope everything gets put in place soon.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Everycat said...

Some sleep and some snuggling with you Brandi, will sort your Mama out just fine. Happy snoozing.
