Forgive us for not updating our blog. Notice I said our. I'm trying to be nice to mama so she will blog more. She has just been busy. Or so she says.
It's kinda hard to come up with new stuff sometimes, cause when you are a senior cat you spend more time sleeping and eating and not much time playing. So most of my time that's what I am doing. Oh, that and begging for more Denties. Which I get away with a lot more than I used to. Mama still tries to get mushie with me and I still tolerate it for a few short minutes. If I do, I figure she owes me Denties.
We have had no new pictures of my cute self cause mama's camera broked. Which I am sometimes glad of, and sometimes sad. It's on our wish list. Once in a while mama will sneak in an old one. How's that?
There are so many kitty blogs now, did you notice? It used to be a mere hundred or so, now it has grown to lots more than that. I even have a whole page of blogging friends. And sadly, more of my old friends that I started out blogging because of are over the Bridge. And I am getting old.
I guess this is the way us really senior cats think.
Anyway, it is much colder now, and the windows have remained closed. This morning it has been in the 30's! Today mama volunteers at the food bank, and tonight is movie night in the community room. She has been asking for a scary movie to show, since Halloween is just around the corner, but no one has come forward. So she is showing a romantic comedy tonight. At least no one will have nightmares!
More sunbeams to curl up in this morning! Gotta go warm these old bones. Did someone offer hamm pizza?? Or was I dreaming?? Enter picture: