December 24, 2013

Meowy Catmouse

for all our friends, 
love and peace
QUINN, Carol, and Angels (Suki, Sasha, brandi)

December 15, 2013

Another Easy Sunday

Oh, dear. Another week has gone by. And the Mommy hasn't let me blog. Well, yes, she was busy. Insurants problems, cleaning, and she had to see the human v-e-t and she just wasn't feeling that great (but I was here giving her lovies).
I have about eleben-hundred blogs to read. And Mommy has a list of stuff she wants to do today. Yikes!
But I will try to catch up on some of you. Promise.  I even have an award from Nissy.
All of you please have a sweet Easy Sunday.
Even if you have to sit on your humans so they can have one too.
And stay warm!
It's way below freezing outside here, but at least the sunbeams are warm! 
Glad I'm an indoor kitty!

December 8, 2013

Easy Sunday

It's cold.
It's snowing.
Nuff said.
Keep warm, sweet friends!
Have a lovely Easy Sunday!

December 7, 2013

Some Good, Some Bad

It is COLD OUT! It was below 0 F. this morning!! Yes the sun was out, and that was nice for me (I'm indoors, and sunpuddles are sunpuddles), but for anyone going outside (some have to do stuff like buy their animals foods or go to work to get the green papers to go get the foods, so we feel sorry for them) is CRAZY.
PLEASE ADOPT and NEUTER so that more animals can be safe in these horrible weathers, hot or cold!
I will jump off my soap box (really, mommy, do they have soap boxes and where can I get a real one and besides, who would want to leave a nice box except maybe for dinner) now.
We do have some bad and good news.  First the bad:
Mommy could not afford her insurants and got behind.  The peoples at the insurants called her and said they were cancelling her. She called someplace named Medicare and they gave her information on what to do. Very technical information, and she never worked in insurance so she was kinda lost. Then she called someplace named Senior Linkage and they were VERY helpful.
Now the good news:
She no longer has medicare advantage insurants. And lots of things aren't covered.  Like the glasses she needs and the dental work and walkers and some medical supplies. BUT.
No copays for doctors, including specialists. The premiums (what she pays every month) are a lot less than what she was trying to pay before. And the drugs she needs are not quite half of what she has been paying! Thank goodness.  Maybe now she can stop agonizing so much over groceries and bills.
Oh, there is still some bad news.  She still needs to pay off what she owes. Yuck!!
All this has been the last couple of days.  She was crying for hours as she tried to find out what to do. And if you are in Minnesota, the Senior Linkage line is a great resource for older peoples.  They listened to my mom. They helped her. They even stayed on the line while she was connected to the insurants plan she chose. They had her calm and hopeful and she even smiled!
Like I stated before, good and bad stuff.  Now if they could only do something about the cold.....
ps. I want to find out what hamm pizza tastes like some day. Maybe there is a chance????

December 3, 2013

A Different Take on Tuesday

As usual, Mommy and I have taken most of the morning to do things other than blog.  But one of the things we did was READ some blogs, so I think that's okay.
It started snowing yesterday. And today. So mommy did try to catch snowflakes with her camera, but I don't really think she did.  She said some of the snowflakes were big and fluffy, the size of a silver dollar or bigger!
Khyra, please come back and play in our lovely snow!!!
I think she's done now!
And, no, I don't have snowshoes on! I'm an indoor kitty!! And it's Toesie Tuesday!

December 2, 2013

Monday Mutterings

Hope those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving had a good one. And those of you who are celebrating Hanukkah continue to celebrate the Lights.
Mommy's turkey was good.  She had cornbread stuffing, which she had never made before, and gee, she only set off the smoke detector once (and broke her favorite cup running to the kitchen).  There was no fire or anything. Just too warm with the oven on that long, I think. So we spent the last hour or two of cooking with two windows open!
Yes, this is ours.  Looks burnt, doesn't it? Well, mommy took all the skin off of it, cause she doesn't like that part. So inside the skin it was yummy.
So were the sweet potatoes.
Mommy said the pan she had didn't fit in her oven right, and the oven door didn't close all the way, so that's why she set off the alarm. Uh-huh.
She isn't going to be home for part of today, has to run an errand. NOW who's out of toilet paper, Mommy? You??? Tee hee. That's the errand!
She wishes it was something more exciting than t.p., but that's all she can afford.  I hope she at least gets some coffee or something for herself. It's hard watching all the festivities when you can't do anything but get essentials.
This is the time of year when people go crazy spending money. And those who can't, well, it's kinda hard. If any of you can help us, we would appreciate it. But those of you who can't, that's okay.  Spend something on your loved ones and local shelters and charities, instead.  But please don't overspend. That only leads to unhappiness, not joy.
Mommy has a wish list.  But that's all it is.  It's the same list she has had for several years.  I know some of the rest of you know how that feels.
Well, anyway, I am going to snooze a bit and wait for mommy to come home. Have a safe and warm rest of the week. It's gonna start snowing here any time... and get colder!!

November 28, 2013


May you all have a wonderful day!
QUINN and Carol

November 27, 2013

There's Still Time!

not that mommy would do that!

November 26, 2013

Tuxie Tuesday

Wow! We are approaching Thanksgiving. And mommy is going to a community dinner this afternoon.  But she does have a turkey to cook for Thanksgiving for us, so that's okay.  She's going with one of our neighbors (oh, kitties, she loves me, that neighbor. Such nice scritchies and pretty compliments).
BUT first, today is Tuxie Tuesday
and don't you forget it!
Tuxies rule!


November 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I am grateful for all the good kitties and their mommies and daddies who are healing. And the lost ones who have returned home. And blankies...
cause it's cold outside. I wish all who are cold could have one! 
Thank you Mommy for this one! 
(Yes that's me under there)
PS. this is our 1200th  post!

November 19, 2013

Tuesday Telling

Not only do we have to celebrate TUXIE TUESDAY, it's also TUCKER TUESDAY!
Did you hear the news?? Tucker is HOME!!!!!!!!!
:::happy dance:::
***happy purr***
Mommy says every time she says "Tucker is home" I purr very deeply. That 's because it's a thank you purr for Tucker.
love, and more
:::happy dance:::
***happy purr***

November 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for my new box.  And the donation to our PayPal account.  We don't get that many, and every bit helps. I do need foodies and kitty litter once in a while (!), and a v-e-t visit (eek) once in a while. Not so "once" as foodies and kitty litter, though. So thank you, thank you!
I am thankful for the awesome scritchies this morning, too.
Did I mention somecat had their mommy make a donation to our PayPal account?
Have a truly awesome awesome day!
Now let me enjoy my wonderful box!
(medical supplies come once a month--unfortunately, not free)

November 11, 2013


And we salute all Veterans of all Countries who have served bravely to keep their families and friends and even neighbors they never met safe from harm. You are our heroes, every one of you!
QUINN and Carol

November 10, 2013

After Party, Anyone?

Thank you for coming to the celebration of me being here one whole year. Hope you had fun. I did. And my sister brandi enjoyed herself, too. She says they have lots of parties and stuff OTB and she is so happy that she and other of her old friends there can run and play and have more energy than they ever had here.  No creaky bones, no disease, no hurt. And they are waiting patiently for their loved ones to cross over. And of course, they spend lots of time watching over us, and whispering in our ears. Pay attention!
Oh, and thank you  angels and friends for the nice present today.  SUNPUDDLES! I am loving it.  If you want to come over and share, I would love to share, too.
I am two!
This is definitely an Easy Sunday. 
I am so happy that some of our newly crossed friends popped in to say hello. brandi said Ginger Jasper is settling in nicely, and Pip... well, he's being lovely sweet and crazy Pip.

November 9, 2013

My Gotcha Day Anniversary is TODAY!

Okay. Leave it to Mommy to get a late start.  I think that means we can party past midnight, all. It's
And of course, here to start the celebration is my sweet sister, Angel brandi:
Hello old friends! Yes, it's me. brandi! I thought It was time for me to meow a few words here! 
When I left mama I kept pawing her heart and nudging her to visit Petfinders. And when she did, I knew she would find Quinn. Quinn needed a home like I did once. And I nudged and nudged until mama made plans to visit Quinn. And I pawed her heart and I whispered to Quinn, and that was how their story began. I do still come and talk to Quinn once in a while, and I watch over her and mama, and I told her that mama would like it if Quinn would sometimes put her paw on mama's arm and do head bumps and purr for her and like tempies and other stuff.  I told her about hamm pizzas and stuff.  And I have told her she needs her own special things with my mama.
She doesn't eat from mama's fingers. She doesn't like tempies. Hamm pizza doesn't really interest her (that is truly weird, right?), and she likes mashed sweet potatoes!
Well, I told her she needs her own special things. But no tempies or hamm pizza? 
Anyway, I will certainly be around today if you would like to come celebrate with us. Mama doesn't have much, but we do have this stuff called Chicken Soup for the Catlover's Soul. And some Purina One Step. And maybe mama can scrounge up some Fancy Feast (another thing that Quinnie doesn't care for!). Maybe you can bring your own??
I'm hoping that some of you can help my mama with green papers, but I have heard how hard that is to do these days. She went to the human v-e-t yesterday and she needs new glasses.  There is always something. That social security is sure not helping a lot!
Quinnie is a good girl. She needs stuff, too.
Anyway, come help us celebrate! Still lots of blankies around! And lots of meowing to do!
love to you all, 
and a special kiss (of course) for my Sugar Pie, Mr. Hendrix! 
ps. Lots of kitties say hello from Over the Bridge. Some of them are planning to stop by today, I think. Anything for a party, ya know! And we watch over all of you, too, so don't be lonely for us, even if you don't see us here! Oh, and the woofies might drop in, too!
 So come on over if you have time, today. We'll be here! Bring sunpuddles if you can. We have feavers and the evil red dot!
Thank you all for helping us celebrate today!

November 3, 2013

Sunday Stuff

Sorry I haven’t blogged for a while.  Mommy has been having severe problems with depression and green papers. Lots of stuff has come up and she is on a limited budget and it’s hard to deal with things that we can’t pay for. So, she is having to figure out how to pay for medical stuff that insurance doesn’t pay for at all, besides the expensive “co-pays”, her foods, my foodies, my special kitty litter and the v-e-t and stuff around here that needs to be replaced, the list goes on and on. She tried to get food support but the county awarded her less than, than, well, less than a bag of kibble. For real! And she can’t live on kibble like I can! She thought it would be more, and when she found out about how much her food support was I think she cried for three days.  
Many people are in the same place as we are. Not on the streets, but definitely dismal. No one seems to be able to help. We just want so badly to write happy news. To write about Mommy’s sweetie (that would be me). But while she lets me keep reading some of my favorite blogs and writing stuff in some of the comment sections, and while she plays with me and feeds me, and pets me and grooms me and basically waits on me hand and foot takes  care of me, she also cries on me.  Mommies should be happy! I kinda thought maybe she would take me back to my rescue place. Thankfully, she’s told me she couldn’t give me back, cause she loves me too much, and losing me would MAKE her more sad. Mommy, I love you too.
So that’s it. Depression is very very hard. And Mommy knows there are a lot of you having similar problems so we can’t ask for help, can we?  If you can, please use the PayPal donate button on the right side of my blog. You will be very appreciated. If you can’t, prayers and good thoughts help too.
Mommy wishes very hard that she had green papers for the special items for sale and auctions to support other catbloggers, but she doesn’t. She wishes she had some talent that she could make money with, but she doesn’t. She wishes someone could help us, but…. Sigh. So many need help.
We know that not many read our blog.  I’m not Angel brandi. She was probably a lot sweeter than me to read about, anyway.  Well, maybe it’s just that I’ve only been around almost a year and she had many more years’ blogging and made lots of friends. But we read lots and lots of you when Mommy is doing okay. And loving all of you, we always wish you well.
Mommy and I are doing our best to say our prayers for others and leave encouraging and upbeat messages and stuff like that.  That is about all we can do.
So I will try to blog more. And love my Mommy. But having to give up necessities is, well, we don’t really want to talk sometimes, ya know?
We pray for you and appreciate your prayers for us.
And here’s something good:  My one year gotcha celebration is coming up! And, oh yes, Mommy visited the kitties at Pet Smart the other day, and met three tiny tiny orinch sleepy baby kitty brothers, and a sweet little older calico that wanted to play with everyone who came to see her.  I’m not jealous, just hopeful for them to all find their furever homes. And they all need love while they are waiting. And, yes, the three orinch brothers are going to the same furever home, definitely! They will NOT be separated!!

October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

For your viewing pleasure this Kitty Halloween (woofies and others can enjoy too):

 Have a Spook-tacular time with lots of treats!
QUINN and Carol

October 5, 2013

A Nice Dilemma

We have a dilemma.
Pause while Mommy listens to part of "Trial by Jury" by some guy named Gilbertand Sullivan. You are lucky she didn't put the YouTube thingy on here. It was called something like "A Nice Dilemma" and it was not anything about my dilemma!
Anyway, back to MY dilemma:
There are soo many blogs to follow and read everyday that Mommy hasn't been letting me post on MY blog. I know I love to read lots of blogs, and I don't want to NOT read them. What can I do?
It now takes us a couple of hours a day to read what my friends are doing. And when I have to miss a day or two, it takes even longer.
Well, the dilemma part is:
I never get to post!
What to do, what to do. NO, Mommy, not more of the Sullivan!
If anything, I'd rather hear this:

I KNOW it's a woofie.  I LIKE woofies. And he definitely knows how exciting suppertime is. Although we kitties are a little more laid back. But only a teensy bit.
Anyway, this doesn't solve MY dilemma. Uh-oh. Mommy's starting to sing that Sullivan thingy about dilemmas calling for all our wit.
Any suggestions? About any of it?
love to all,

September 26, 2013


Many of us are Rescue Animals! Rescuers ROCK, Rescue Animals are eternally thankful and hope that someday we will ALL BE RESCUED, and we will ALL BE SAVED and we will ALL FIND LOVING HOMES!
QUINN (a Rescue)
and Angel brandi (a Rescue)
for Feline Rescue of St. Paul, MN

September 24, 2013

Hey, You!

Don't you know 
It's Tuxie Tuesday!

September 21, 2013

Saturday Sunpuddles

Whew! Busy morning around here! Mommy got most of her groceries today, and they "missed a tote" of  food! So they will be coming back tomorrow afternoon.
It is too cool outside for the windows to be open more than a couple inches, but we have the morning sun, so the apartment is WARM.
Am I going to get sunburn stripes? The sun is so bright!  Hope it sticks around!

September 19, 2013

Talk Like a Pirate Day

From our files. Sorry. Mommy got interrupted by a phone call when she was beginning this post. From her brother, so I forgive her.
Arrrrrgh anyway, mateys! It be a wet day here so no plank-walkin needed!
Lady Pirate QUINN
(whose mommy doesn't have or know photoshop)

September 18, 2013

Relaying Request for Assistance

Please go to Cat Chat for information on how to help the animals who have misplaces their humans and have been taken in by various animal groups because of the nasty fires in Colorado and/or the floods.   Mommy remembers the devastation of the floods that happened when she was a little girl. Mommy had to leave her home by boat, holding on to her woofie. So she is specially sensitive about this disaster.
Earlier this year one of her nieces lost her home to the Colorado fires, so this cause is important and very real to her sister's family. Help the animals if you can! Her sister's husband (now deceased) was involved in search and rescue in the mountains there and had his own trained bloodhounds, please remember assistance is important for trained rescue and service animals as well as dear family pets! Volunteer some time at your local shelter if you can't donate anything!

And if at all possible, if you helped mommy and me it would be wonderful.  Mommy was at the human vet yesterday and her new medication (desperately needed) is very very expensive. Thanks!
 I wouldn't ask if I hadn't just found out from the pharmacy just how expensive this new drug is even with a co-pay! Medicine is indeed getting ridiculously expensive. This drug is two thirds the cost of my already very expensive insulin.
Prayers are accepted, too!
The Twinkletoes Gang said something about contacting the medical company.  I've tried with other meds, including insulin. Spent hours and hours trying to research and contact companies. If you have your own insurance most medical companies will not help. You basically are on your own. Even if the co-pays are high, the price of the medication they can charge insurance companies is quite profitable, and they don't want to lose that money if they don't have to. Yup, even on medicare co-pays can be high! Lovely, huh?

September 15, 2013

My Easy Sunday

The sun went away.  The warm went away (it is 58 degrees F,14 C).  There are two options for this for my Easy Sunday:

One of my BLANKIES
I tried to get these pictures beside each other (or Mommy did) but Blogger can be stubborn. In draft form they are. Published, no. Sorry. Mommy says for an Easy Sunday we don't fight Blogger. It usually wins, anyway. And it's really acting weird today!
Anyway, since there are no sunpuddles, I vote the box. I love my box.  Mommy saved it for me! It's MINE. And she already gave me my massages this morning (2 so far!).
Have a great Easy Sunday however you can. Mommy says if it rains today we really need it.  So, as long as it's gray it might as well rain.
Maybe I'll try the blankie later....
See ya.

September 12, 2013

Thankful Thursday.

Whew! We have been having internets problems this morning! And I suppose I am grateful that I'm here now! Mommy hasn't even read my friends' blog posts to me. So I don't know what's going on with the cats of the Blogosphere. I will, as soon as I can.
 Not to be vain or anything, but I like this picture. And Mommy says it reminds her of brandi. So I am even thankful of the camera thingie this morning. This made Mommy happy.
Never fear, while we couldn't get on here Mommy found time to Furminate me.  And now I can recline in fashionable soft furminatored furs in the cool breezes. That's right! It is comfy out! Finally! No heat and humidity. I am truly thankful for that.  It's lovely this morning! The sun is out and the breezes are bringing their best smells!
Of course I have lots to be thankful about besides my Furminator, my mommy, sunpuddles and nice breezes. Lots, including you.
So good mornings and have a beautiful day where ever you are. And lots of whatever is the best thing you can think of.
Nice days just make me mellow sometimes.
Well, until I  see that evil red thingie.  Then the attacks begin! Girl WarriorCat leads the charge!

September 11, 2013


Please go to Jan's Funny Farmers to read one of the most awesome tributes to the men and women who died AND those that survived and/or were left behind during the 9/11 disaster--from the perspective of the animals of this planet!
We could not have said or done anything better.

September 9, 2013

Monday Muddle

We are once again sorry for not blogging.  It seems Mommy didn't have the time (!) but she had the time to read me YOUR blog entries. And write something on some of them. Thank Codness.
Anyway, to catch you up somewhat on HER stuff:  She had out of town relatives come last Tuesday and take her out to lunch (no, no leftovers, I don't usually eat them anyway).  They came and stood around and looked down their noses at our little apartment (they all have really nice homes) and when I came out to greet them they didn't even say hi or anything.  I found out they are all dog lovers. Well, so am I.  Didn't that count?  Anyway she had a free lunch. And she'd recommended the place they all ate. And they were happy.
Mommy has been busy (!) reading before her book is due back (later this week), and catching up on stuff she dvr-ed.  And Saturday she disappeared downtown so she could use the machines at the copy place (our printer does not work and is out of ink anyway). She said it was hot and sticky out. And actually had to buy a couple of bottles of water to drink! Eww! Must have been hot!!
So then last night she had to clean the apartment, cause our bug guy was coming today. So he is gone and so here we are. Talk about stinky. His stuff usually isn't. Today it was.  Are they chasing different bugs this time? Maybe.
Oh, and she plays with me and pets me and massages me and grooms me and makes me chase around that mean red dot and Da Bird.
And she says I am spoiled.
That's my stuff.
Now it's nap time! Of course.  It's always a good time to nap, right?
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Mommy's brother Roger! It's today. And he's a whole 68 eons old.

September 1, 2013

Easy Sunday My Way

Da Bird!

And it's cooler out!
Enjoy, all!

And guess what? I have received an award from my dear friend Nerissa! Thank you, you handsome wise one!
The Wonderful Team Leadership Award!
and now to pass it on to others:
(if you've received it before, well, you really deserve it!) 
All the ladies and gents from 
Our wonderful woofie pal
the sweethearts at
Our elegant goddess
the house of
Sadie, Benny and Tucker of
the gorgeous family at 
The library cat
Our beloved and beleaguered
the trio at
Baby Patches from
the wonderful family at
the hansome
Father Tom's family at
Whisker Messages from a Church Cat
and last but not least, the lovelies at
Sweet Purrfections

Whew! Thank you again, Nerissa! 
Please visit these wonderful friends and say hello!

August 28, 2013

August 26, 2013


Yes, we know.  Mommy hasn't been too great at typing my blog lately. Not that I haven't had lots to say. Just Mommy has had the sads a lot. And though she let me comment on your blogs, she didn't even let me read them for several days. Monies has been a big worry for her, and she is also missing brandi and her friend Lou, both over the Bridge. And she has been very sad for some of the mommies and daddies who have had their kitties and woofies run over the Bridge, too.
We are having another horrible heat wave. Hot and humid and horrible.  Mommy hasn't gone anywhere too much, and that's partly the heat and partly her sads and the monies problem.
The a/c coolie thing has been running for a few days, so we are okay here.  Mommy occasionally turns a fan on in the living room, and there is a big fan that is constantly on in my room, too.
Thursday some of my foodies are coming and some of my kitty litter.  We have a neat free delivery service here, and you just order on  line and you get a delivery date. I only need my crunchies, but Mommy isn't ordering all of my litter.  You see, I am spoiled.  I get two kinds normally. But Mommy can't pay for both right now.
Oh, the neatest thing: My toys arrived from Nip and Bones! We play two or three times at least every day!  The laser red dot thingie is much better than my old one. Bigger and it goes all over! And what can I say about Da Bird?? Love, Love Love! And it makes Mommy laugh and smile.
Mommy has had too much fun watching me play to take pictures. But she did take this one of me NOT playing, and I think it's mean cause it makes me look fat!
Mean, mean Mommy! It's bathtime, for Mouses sake! Can't a girl have her privacy?
Apparently NOT.
Stop following me around, Mommy!

ps. Let me explain the two kitty litters.  The kitty litter that goes in first is general litter. Then, since I am declawed, Mommy puts in a litter that is finer and doesn't hurt kitty paws so much. And yes, Mommy wanted a declawed cat.  So she could spoil me!

August 13, 2013


Another Angel over the Rainbow Bridge
Abby from Manx Mnews
an old friend of Angel brandi has decided to join the ones we miss.

August 11, 2013

Get Your Ease On!

Overcast and boring here. So a purrfect day to snooze.  Well, actually every day is purrfect to snooze. Anytime, anywhere.
Have an Easy Sunday.  Hope yours is full of Sunshine.

August 8, 2013

World Cat Day!

I have some good news on this World Cat Day.  Even though it isn’t about me, exactly.
Mommy is getting to go to a special warehouse where they have meat and veg packets for at least 50% less than regular grocery stores a couple days a month.  And anyone can go!  No fee to get in! That’s next Monday afternoon. That should help her with her groceries. A  lot.  Enough to get some more sweet potatoes?  I hope so! Yummy stuff!
Mommy found a walker for 50% less than others she’s found.  Oh, not at the same warehouse. But it is on sale, and she’s hoping the sale lasts till she gets her monies later this month. Then she can maybe get it!
The shoes and pizza she can’t do anything about. I hope she can do something about the shoes before it gets cold here in Minnesota. I don’t understand pizza. But the sausage sounds interesting. And maybe the cheese.

Now to cat stuff. After all, this is a CAT blog and it is World CAT Day.
Miles has been visiting Minneapolis! He is a very lovely cat. He even rested on my new bed with me! He’s told me all about Hamm and about something called French toast. And brosures  brothers. Pretty scary! Maybe Waffles can join them? Sweet Katie would say YES.  But I don't know about the Glogirl and Gloman.  I think they would miss Waffles.
National Night Out Tuesday was cut short in our neighborhood.  We had another torrential rain storm. Yes, that’s kitty news! It meant Mommy was here for the yucky part of the storm. And shut the windows till it stopped. And it was nice to be able to protect her. Really, she needed lots of comfort. So I let her pet me, and that helped her. Really.
I pleased my Mommy very much last night by pawing her when she was at the computer just like brandi used to do.  Well, after all, brandi DID tell me to do it, and I try to listen to her and do what she suggests! 
Angel brandi is seeing more and more of her old blogging friends, and says they are all doing quite well, and are looking down on us and sending lots of love. We are sad for those left behind, but isn't the love wonderful? And of course, we send love back. We don't forget them, ever.
Hey, EVERY day is World Cat Day.  Humans just haven't figured that out yet!