Well, this week has been really something. Mommy had clinic appointments (mostly just medicine adjustments--no worries). Then we had a maintenance thing (it took two days to get our kitchen ceiling light fixed so mommy only had lights over the stove, over the sink, and in the pantry and of course the fridgiator so it wasn't too bad). But yesterday was really really stormy. And that brings up why we are so grateful on this Thankful Thursday.
Yesterday at lunchtime it was really storming bad. Then all at once
BOOM! We swear it was inside our home it was so loud! Mommy jumped and gasped and I took off for the safety of one of my boxes! Mommy said it was the loudest she ever heard! Of course, I came back quickly to check on Mommy, and she was okay, just frightened a little. But then the sirens went off! That means tornado warning! And we live on the 16th floor!
SIRENS!Oh, wait. It was the first Wednesday of the month. And it was 1:00. That's when they check the sirens every month. Whew! Couldn't have come at a worse time--in the middle of a bad thunder storm! Talk about a little upsetting!
Today it is gloomy out (no sunpuddles again), but so far no rain. No thunder. No sirens.
Are we thankful? Well, as they say here in Minnesota
YOU BETCHA!So, that is why we are so grateful today! No storms today, no sirens, just Mommy and me.
And a ceiling light in the kitchen that works!
We are also so glad that everyone had such a good time at BlogPaws. It was fun reading about all the events and fun things, and everyone getting together. We wish we could have gone, but reading was the next best thing. Seriously. Mommy calls it armchair traveling. But it doesn't move like a frying pan or an egg beater or do any space traveling at all!
You all got lots of swag! Now, I just like my Beyond salmon and rice and a little Chicken Soup for the Catlover, and I don't like Fancy Feast or other stuff, and I don't like treats. And I just like my feather toys, so crinkle balls are not my thing. I do like my pink Tickle Pickle! So you all really lucked out and I hope you got lots of stuff YOU like! What a cool experience for you all!
Our Christmas Elves gave me some healthy treats, and no, they didn't go to waste. They were mixed a little at a time with my regular crunchies and that was kinda good. Add spice to my foodies, so to speak. Thanks again, you sweeties!
Mommy gets her check in a couple weeks, so we don't have too long for her to get some more groceries. She did a bad thing and forgot to put away her fishies so she has to wait to get more. They were out a whole day. Silly Mommy. And no, I don't care for that kind of fishies. How could she miss the SMELL? Blaaaaahh!
Barb isn't coming til next week cause she has a bad cold and didn't want to give it to Mommy. But next Monday she will come. Yea! One of my favorite scritchi-ers! So we have lots to be thankful for today. Sunpuddles can wait. We are safe!
And yes, we are thankful for you!
Bring pizza?
Nommmmmmmmmm! |
love ya,
ps: the story behind brandi versus Quinn. No biggie. brandi was a sweet little kitty and that's the way she wanted her name. After all, she named herself! And I am a big girl (larger bones--really, and a little tiny bit chubby), and Quinn is what I was named at Feline Rescue. My middle name Makayla is mine and mommy's choice. I'm just not the tiny kitty brandi was. But just as special.