July 13, 2018

Checking in again

As busy as this week has been (notice we haven't blogged or even checked in on other blogs yet) next week is going to be even busier for Mommy. She has doctors to see on Monday and Tuesday, a place to visit to see if we would want to live there, errands to run, foodies for Mommy to order.... Wait. NO! Mommy has been busy this week and she will be busy next week. Me???? I am a little spoiled kitty cat and I get to stay HOME.
Maybe, if anyone is free, you can come over and visit??
I'll break out the red dot machine and my tickle pickle and maybe some wands and a little catnip and my Beyond crunchies (salmon flavor, of course). There will be plenty of water, too. We even have some bottled water!
All you have to do is come.  And if you want pizza, you have to bring it  yourselves! We don't have green papers for such things. *sigh*
Up to you. You are invited!
Nice woofies welcome. I'm gonna ask my woofie friend Maggie if she can come.
Love ya all,
Quinnie-poo (that's one of my Mommy's silly names for me. You may call me Quinn, Quinnie, or Quinnie Makayla)
And yes, there are still a lot of bags to play on or under!
We still don't have our totes.


Deziz World said...

A new place to live Quinn? MeOW That would be so pawsum!!! Glad things are goin' well and ya'll are hangin' in there. We're gonna be busy busy next week too or we'd come to play. We don't have green papers fur pizza or anythin' else fur that matter, but, monmmy says we have our noms and so we've got all we need. We'd be happy to share, ifin ya' like rabbit that it. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Jans Funny Farm said...

Being busy sure beats being bored, doesn't it! We hope you will find a nice place to live soon. We'd come play but Jan has been so busy she doesn't let us on the computer too often.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

quinnie.....we waz knot online on fryday sew we hope ya hada awesum partee ~~~~~de food a bullz soundz grate; pizza iz a spesh ull treet any way... N bee sidez...yur talkin SALMON !!!!! :) happee week a head two ewe N mom 1☺♥♥

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

I hope your mommy approved of the newer place to live.
Take care you two.