September 19, 2018

Pirates Ahoy

I don't have a pirate dress, and I don't speak Pirate, but here's my pirate pictures for today's special day:

We're doing okay here.
Last Sunday early in the morning someone pounded on our front door and woke us up.  But Mommy wasn't really too awake and transferring from our bed to the wheelchair was a scary idea for her  (and I was sure it was for her, too).  So they went away, whoever they were and we were very grateful Mommy remembered to lock the door! We just snuggled back together and we went back to sleep.
Monday Mommy had her monthly visit  to change her catheter but had forgotten to arrange a ride through her insurants so she called our old friends the MetroMobility bus.  When she was done with her ppointment they were a half hour late picking  her up (in a really bad rainstorm, so that was sort of a good excuse, plus traffic and all the construction). It also took over an hour and a half to get home (we live about a mile from the clinic she went to). She said they drove all over south Minneapolis (we live in Nordeast Mpls), so she got to see a lot of stuff she used to live close to. A new Target, a restaurant where her old bank used to be, lots of new condos, a new Walgreens, one of her old grocery stores totally remodeled, that sort of was entertaining for her on the way home. But there were three people still on the bus when she was let off who still had to go to the northern suburbs. She felt sad for them.
But I missed her. And she filled my water and foodies and went directly to bed she was so tired out. We got to snuggle.
Anyway, this evening she's ordering from a more expensive store. But they had what they call BOGO sales, buy one and get one free. So she got lots of stuff half off.  It wasn't a big order. Just some of the sale stuff. But she did mention she got two sausage pizzas, and we don't have pizza that often. Yummmmm.
We also got to talk to Chewy today. We had to delay our next delivery cause we are really stocked up right now. Mommy told them Quinnie thanks them.  I was sitting right there when Mommy called!
So Happy Talk like a Pirate Day!
love ya,
Quinnie Makayla
(sort of a Pirate lady, so woofies are not really walking the plank here)


da tabbies o trout towne said...

quinnie.... ahoy ....heerz ta grog a plentee in the black jacks two day ~~~~ ♥♥♥ heerz ta pizza piez a plentee yeer round......heerz ta a reel lee grate rest oh de week for ewe N mom { N yea...all wayz makez sure her keepz de doorz locked ~ ♥♥♥ } ☺☺☺

pilch92 said...

Happy Pirate Day! We have that first costume, this year was Prancie's turn to wear it.

Deziz World said...

Sounds like things are goin' well fur ya'll Quinn. That's always nice. Have a bite of pizza fur us. We haven't had one in over a year. MOL Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Mickey's Musings said...

We are happy to hear that you and your mum are doing well :)
We purr you both are feeling well too.
Enjoy that pizza!!!!!

Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

meowmeowmans said...

That's sad about those stores are so far for lots of people on the bus.

We hope you and Mommy had a great Pirate Day!

Mr Puddy said...

Glad your mom had some !!!! =^x^=
And I hope the wheelchair was gone by now. If not yet, Purrs heaps for her

Happy Belated Pirate Day

lexitheschnauzer said...

Hi Quinnie. Thanks for stopping by our blog on Talk Like a Pirate Day. You are a pretty tuxedo like our blogging friend Hemingway. We have lots of kittie friends in blogville and are very glad to make your acquaintance. (Mommy said to say that last part and spelled it for me.) Your pirate pictures are really cute.
Xena the Schnauzer Warrior Princess and Lucy

Katie Isabella said...

Those costumes are adorable!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Jan remembers the taxi ride from hell after she moved here. She totally missed her doctor appt and ended up walking 5 blocks home in the pouring rain. Glad your mom got to see some familiar places as well as some new ones, but that was a long ride. Take care.