October 21, 2012

Solemn News

It is with heavy heavy heart I have to say this. This is Carol, brandi's guardian. She has gotten very sick and is in a lot of pain. I will have to send her over the bridge shortly. She can hardly walk or eat, and has lost too much weight, and it just isn't fair to prolong her life when there is no quality of life.  She is 19. She has been with me longer than anyone I can name.  She has seen me through a lot of good and very bad times. Her cries of pain and the look in her eyes and her weak body tell me that she can do no more. Oh, you should see that look. It is tearing my heart apart. She has been going downhill the last couple of weeks, and right now she is looking at me and crying.
I have to do this alone, and that is hurting me so much. I need a companion in my life, and the hole she will leave will be frightening. But it has to be. I can't be selfish, if she is suffering.
I love her more than anything and I know you all know that feeling, yourselves.
If you could help pay for her final vet bills, that would be a fine tribute to her. It's around $400. I hate to ask, but this is way out of my budget. I am already still past due about $300 with my own medical insurance.  She will be cremated, and sit on my bookcase with her sister.
I can't write any more right now.
I will later.

brandi will be put to sleep around 8 pm central time tonight.
please remember us in your prayers


Cherry City Kitties said...

Oh Carol, we are so sad to hear your news. the Momma doesn't know how to set up a Chip-in thing, but I'm sure someone can so we can help you in this troubling time.
We are sending all the love we can to Brandi and to you

Harry, Dexter and Tipp
and the Momma

Jans Funny Farm said...

I am so very sorry to read this, Carol! I know your heart is breaking. I wish there were words that would help but there are none. I send many {{{hugs}}} amid tears.

Katie Isabella said...

I am deeply sorry that Brandi seems to have gotten so much worse. God's bessings on her and you for caring for her. I know that pain you described. I went through that too. But thank goodness katie Isabella found me. She has lightened my heart although I can never ever forget my beautiful Admiral.


Jacqueline said...

My sincere condolances concerning your sweet, beautiful Brandi; I saw your blog post on the CB and wanted to help with a small donation...I understand your terrible position all too well and wish you peace and comfort during this sad time...Love never dies and in this way, Brandi will never leave your heart...Take care of yourself...hugs from Jacqueline's Cat House

Marg said...

Oh we are so sorry. We sure do send you tons of purrs. It is so hard to let them go, but that is the biggest gift you can give them and that is to know when it is time. We are sending you lots of hugs too and will be thinking about you for sure.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh no, dear Brandi, we are so very, very sad to hear that news. We will love your dear girl always and forever. We will help a little after next payday. Love and hugs from all of us. Brian, Sascha, Gracie, Zoe, Dolly, Precious and Dad.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Carol, I'm so sorry. I had to take Annie to the vet that one last time, back in February 2011, and she was only 10-ish. It's impossibly hard, yet is the last give of Love and Mercy you can give her.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you both, and the boys send soft purrs.

Peace and Blessings.

-Kim, Nicki and Derry

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We'll light a candle to help her on the journey of love -

They depend upon us to let them go when this time comes -

It hurts - but their suffering hurts more -

Please know you are making the decision of love -

Khyra will send some floof to The Rainbow Bridge to cushion Brandy's landing -

Our best hugz&khysses,
Khyra's Mom Phyll

Rene said...

We are very very sorry to read this. :-(

Lady Caer Morganna said...

I am so very sorry to hear this. I know the pain you are going through and I also know that it sometimes is the only way.

My prayers are with you at this difficult time.



Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are very sorry for your loss. We sure do send you tons of comforting purrs, we are so very sads it is Brandi's time to go to the bridge.

The Florida Furkids said...

Having just lost our sweet Tamir, we know how hard this is for you. We're sending love and purrs and prayers to you. RIP Brandi. Say hi to Tamir when you get to the Bridge.

The Florida Furkids

Random Felines said...

we are so very sorry and sending gentle purrs to you both. Sometimes the hardest thing for the people to do is let the kitties cross the Bridge. We know she is so loved here and will be well met when she crosses.

The Island Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear that Brandi is not doing well. We send you comforting purrs and headbutts to help you during this difficult time. RIP, sweet Brandi...you will be missed.

Motor Home Cats said...

Carol, I am so sorry to hear this. I have loved coming here to read about your's and Brandi's adventures. You will be in my thoughts, and the kitties will be purring for you.

Tara from Camie's Kitties (and Gracie and Cody)

Max said...

Oh man. oh man oh man oh man....I am so, so sorry :( Brandi has been a fixture in the CB for so long and we all love her so much. This bites.

Mostly I am really sorry because I know how much it'll hurt you.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh MomCarol, we are crying with you. We love you and Brandi so much. Our hearts will be with you tomorrow and we are sending so many prayers and love to you.
Brandi, you have been friends with us for so very long we cannot imagine that you will not be here anymore. We absolutely cannot say good bye - but we know Norton and Trixie will be there to meet you at the Bridge, and someday we will be there to meet you too!
Sammy, Miles, Billy and Nicky

Cathy Keisha said...

Oh Braindi! I just became furrends with you recently but have very leaky eyes. I don't want you to be in pain and I hope your Mom won't be in too much pain. Fly free dear furrend.

George The Duck and the HotMBC Kittehs said...

:( We is so sorry to hear this news. We are lighting a candle for her journey and send lots of loves.
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh noes!! We are so sad to see Brandi go to the Bridge. She did live a long life and we know it was filled with love.
We send our most comforting purrs as we know you will be alone now and missing your best friend.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
ans mom Nancy

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

Carol, I am so sorry to hear about this. I know that there is very little that can be said to comfort you on, but a few years ago I had to let go of my kitty that I had for 18 years. After that horrible time, is when I learned that while she was gone physically, she is still with me emotionally. brandi will also always be with you.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh Brandi, we is sorry to see you goes, but it is the bestest gift of luv frum your Momma. We don't blog much anymore, but you was there when we blogged lots and you has been a good furiend. We know you'll send yur momma a new furry furiend when she's ready. We'll nefur furget you!
Victor & Nina

cats of wildcat woods said...

Thinking of you tonight and knowing how you feel. So very sorry for your loss.

Cats Herd You said...

Carol, I'm so sorry. The past few years, we have had to go through this with too many of our cats, most recently Talia the day before Mother's day. My deepest condolences, especially that you have to do this alone. That makes it much harder. I am looking at the clock and realizing that 8pm central is a few moments away, and I'm thinking of you, and will be, as I'm sure so many from the CB will be, as well.

Teddy Westlife said...

Carol, I am so sorry to hear that Brandi will leave you, and us. She is a beautiful girl and at least you will have 19 years of wonderful memories with her and her catitude.

Hufflemum Tracey

Katie Isabella said...

Carol, I am desperately sorry about Brandi. I know that sorrow dear friend. xoxoxox

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Such sad news concerning Brandi. We are so sorry and send heartfelt condolences to you, and hope you find peace in the love you will always have for her.

Tom, Mom Julie, Mitty, Tinker & Anastasia

Oui Oui said...

I am so sorry, Carol, I know what you are going through. Please remember you gave her the best gift you could, your love. So many sweet animals never have that gift. Brandi knew what love and a good home were, and I hope how much you meant in her life is a comfort to you. We hope in time you will open your heart again to another needy kitty. It won't be the same, but it would be a nice tribute.

We are all purring and praying for you and all of Brandi's loved ones and furriends left behind.

JC said...

I am so sorry.


JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Oh Brandi... I will miss you so very much. We all will, here on the blogosphere. But no one will miss you more than your mom. But we'll be here for her, okay? And we'll remind her always - although I think she already knows - that you'll be up in Heaven looking down upon and her and watching over her every minute of every day. My mama is up there along with my brother Desdemona. I know that they love me from Heaven. You'll love your mom from up there and she'll always, always, ALWAYS love you from here. And one day, you'll all be together again. I'm sending comforting purrs to your mom, okay? Everyone is, I think. purrs

meowmeowmans said...

We are so sorry to hear this sad news. Brandi, we love you, and are purring that your journey to the Bridge will be smooth and peaceful. Carol, we send you our love and purrs and prayers, too. Thank you for loving Brandi so very much, for so long.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh no!! We are so sad about Brandi!! She was one of the first kitties we met!! Hugs, purrrs and prayers for you both!!
Your TX furiends,

Katnip Lounge said...

{{hugs}} from all of us at the Lounge. We would love to make a donation.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Oh no, Carol. We just logged on the computer. We are heartbroken. There are no words of comfort that will make this any better. Just know that we are here for you and our thoughts and purrayers will be with you. We'll keep you close to our hearts. Big ((hugs)) and kissies from all of us at Prancer Pie.

GLOGIRLY said...

Dear Carol,
We are so saddened at the news of our sweet brandi. Our hearts ache for you and we find there are just no words. Our thoughts and prayers are with you tonight and always. We would also like to help with a small donation. How can we get the money to you? Please let us know. xoxo

bless you,
Glogirly & Katie

Pasha's Mommy said...

So so so sorry to hear this very sad news. You'll be in our thoughts.


Poppy Q said...

So sorry for the loss of your sweetie Brandi. It surely is the toughest thing to do, and it does break your heart, but she was telling you that she was ready for the bridge.

Julie and Poppy Q

M Dawson said...

Farewell Brandi, our own Little 'Un is failing and we know your Mum's hurt.

Marjorie and DashKitten

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We are all so sorry! Big purrs. We know what it is like to loose a cat family member. Patches has been gone almost two years and we still miss her so.

Mittens, Mistrie, Precious, Miracle and mom Toni

Forty Paws said...

We are so sorry that Brandi has crossed over. She lived a very good life with you over the 19 years. Yes, she was getting very skinny and we noticed that in the pictures. But she is healthy and happy and running free across the Bridge now.

Luf, Us and Maw

Gigi said...

We read about Brandi at Prancer Pie's and our hearts go out to you. I once had a wonderful 19-year-old girl too, who had to be helped across the Bridge--it broke my heart, but I felt it an honor to take the last little bit of the journey with her. It is so hard, but it is also the brave and right path. She'll be waiting for you on the other side, with my BooBoo girl and all the others. Many purrs and prayers for you tonight.

Mollie said...

Our prayers and purrs are with you..xxooxx

Mollie and Alfie

Karen said...

I am so sorry. We are blog readers but do not comment often. I always enjoy the blog. So sorry this is happening but she had a long and full life. I know this is hard on you. You are both in our thoughts and prayers.

Karen, Pixel and Samba

Milo and Alfie said...

Carol, so very sorry to hear your news about Brandi. I don't blog much these days but remember Brandi well. You are giving the greatest gift of all to ensure your sweet baby doesn't suffer. Take care.

Jan xx
Milo and Alfie xx

Everycat said...

Sweet Brandi, we are very sad to learn that you are going to The Bridge. We will miss you very much little one, even though you have had a long life filled with love with your Mum, we know it's never long enough.

Safe journey little girl, there will be many friends to greet you there. Watch over your Mum when you can.

Sending love and rumbly purrs to sing you on your way..

Gerry, Mungo & Jane The Ape xx

CATachresis said...

Dear Carol We heard from Ann of Zoolatry of your very sad loss. I think we all who have furries know the pain you are suffering. Sincere and heartfelt condolences from Austin, Tigger and Caro at CATachresis xox

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Mama Carol
Mom and I are so very sorry to read about Brandi's passing. What a beautiful lady she was too.
Run free Brandi and may you always have sunpuddles to warm you.
Hugs Madi

Anonymous said...

Oh Carol, I'm so very sorry to hear this...
Brandi was one of my favorite kitties ever!! At least she led a good life, 19 years can only be lived by the most awesome kitties! Of course, you'll both be kept in my prayers <3 R.I.P Brandi, we'll love you forever

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I am so sorry to hear that sweet Brandi is having to leave for the bridge. I know she will be missed by all that knew and loved her. So blessed that you had a long life with her and I know she will leave a big hole in your heart. My thoughts and purrs and with you at this time.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I'm so sorry to hear this about Brandi. She had a very long and happy life, I'm sure. You are giving her one last gift...the gift of peace and of being pain-free.

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

So sorry to read this. We didn't knw Brandi but we can she was a beautiful kitty and obviously very much loved.
Sending purrs and hugs.

Maggie May said...

(((hugs))) to you, Carol. We went through this in July and know how very difficult it is. You are in our thoughts and purrayers. We are sure our Chevelle will be there waiting to welcome Brandi to the Bridge.
Maggie May and The Creek Cats

Anonymous said...

There is someone at the tip of the Mitten State who is thinking of you. Stella, you have earned your wings, sweetheart, fly with the angels.

Team Tabby said...

We are so sorry to hear you have lost your sweet companion, Brandi. We hope your memories of your time together will comfort you.

Lovable Lily said...

We are truly sorry for your loss. May you know that Blogville is surrounding you with hugs today.

It sounds like Brandi had a wounderful life with you and we know she will be missed.

Lily Belle & Muffin

The Whiskeratti said...

We are so sorry to hear of your loss.

The Daily Pip said...

Dear Carol,

I am so very sorry to hear about Brandi. I loved reading about her adventures and felt we were kindred spirits. I wish dear Brandi a peaceful passing and my assistant and I send you much love, prayers, and support. Run free Brandi ...

Pip & Kristin

Pip said...

I am so sorry to hear of Brandi's crossing. She is a very lucky kitty to have had you in her life. We are purring fur your comfort.

Mo and The Purries said...

Sending Purrs and Condolences from The Purries at Purrchance to Dream.

Kat said...

We are so sorry to hear that Brandi has crossed the bridge.Our hearts are hurting and our eyes are leaking at this sad news. We will miss you, Sweet Brandi. We send our purrs of comfort and love to you. We are so sad and sorry.

Tober the Cat said...

I am so sorry to hear about Brandi. She was one of my very earliest blogging friends, and I always enjoyed her sweet, positive personality. My staff and I are sending lots of purrs your way, Carol. It is so hard to lose a constant companion.

Old Kitty said...

What a beauty! We are so sorry to read about her passing. Run free, angel Brandi. Take care


I was so sadden to learn about dear sweet Brandi.
Know that our loved ones never truly leaves us. They live on in the kindness they showed,the comfort they shared,and the love they brought into our lives.
We will light a candle and say a special prayer for you and dear Brandi.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Sending comforting purrrrrss and gentle headbutttss to Brandi and her Momma Carol.

Safe journey, Brandi.

Ikaika said...


We are so sorry to hear the sad news about sweet Brandi, and we send you warm light and gentle purrs. Our hearts go out to you and hope your heart heals soon. We wish Brandi a gentle journey across the Bridge and know she will be greeted by all the ones-who-came-before. We hope she sends you a new furchild to help fill the hole she leaves and warm your heart.

Run free at the Bridge, beautiful Brandi ...

'Kaika and his mom

Just Ducky said...

Sending our deepest sympathy purrs and purrayers.

Fur Everywhere said...

I am so so sorry to hear about Brandi. I cannot even imagine how painful that is as I haven't had to send any of my babies over the bridge yet. But it makes me so sad every time I hear of a baby going over. It makes me cry every time.

Please know that so many people and fur babies care about you and Brandi and we are here for you. Please do not ever hesitate to reach out and chat with me if you need a friend. I can only imagine how much pain you must be feeling and I'm so sorry you are having to go through this.

*hugs* and purrs from me, Carmine, and Milita <3