June 7, 2006

And another Wednesday

Nice this morning! Mr. Squirrel has been around with his little chitterer, and birdies, too. I hear there are a lot of pigeons in the front today. Apparently they all lined up on one of the little balconies on second floor and stared inside at the beans. Well, beans birdwatch, so birdies can beanwatch!

Mama will be late coming home today, cause she's giving her blood away. So I will be extra nice to her. She says its only a little blood, and other people who need it cause of accidents and stuff will get some. Told you mama was nice!

She will come home late tomorrow cause of her interview. Cross your paws, efurry one!

Lots of nice napping today, and birdie watching, and then mama comes home!

Still think its mean the way they are treating her at work. No lunch, no nothing, and she has to go to a meeting her last day.

Well, I don't think they deserve HER.

Dis someone say cupcakes?? Chocolate, carrot, or allspice??? :-P


Timmy said...

Best wishes to your Momma! I love to do birdiewatching! You can visit my wildlife watch to see all the different birdies we get at our feeders :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Your mom should turn the tables on them and bring treats to celebrate leaving such a nasty place.........
It was a glorious day today wasn't it?!?

The Meezers or Billy said...

Good luck on your interview Brandi'sMom - We will have our paws crossed and send out extra good thoughts and purrayers.

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We are sayin' purrayers and crossin' our paws that your mom's interview goes well and she gets the job. We only have fans too, so we like to lay in front of them.

PrincessMia said...

I'm sending superduper special kitty vibes to beanmom for her interview. Best of luck!

Spock said...

Still purrayin!