I guess it's time to wrap the old year up and throw it away. For six months of it we were a normal household. Mama had a nice birfday, she gotted to go on a boat ride, she worked hard at her jobbie, we even started blogging. Things were going along pretty well. Until.
In June mama said goodbye to her jobbie and started staying home more and doing a lot of jobbie searches on the computer and interviews and messing around with insurants and stuff. This has not been a happy time. I have spent many hours playing nursie. Although.
We have been so honored to make such nice friends out here on the cat blogosphere. They have encouraged us, sent us help, made us smile, and made us remember that there are others out here who need help too. We have entered a pretty wonderful world where beans and pets really care about each other. And we don't have to live in the same town, state, or even country.
This is the year I also gotted a boyfriendcat, my special Sugar Pie, Mr. Hendrix. I never had one of them before, and he is soo cute, and soo sweet. I get to send him a nosekiss tonight at midnite his time. And maybe I will let mama remind me to send him one once an hour till then. *blush*
There are no resolutions at this household, usually. Just new year wishes for a new job for mama and some of the things she wants. I promise to keep blogging, though. What ever happens.
Love, peace, headbumpies, and hugs for the new year,
I think I can convince mama to go to the chat cat party tonight. See you there.
Oh, and a special message for my sweetie: blogger has not let me comment on your blog for a couple days. I have not been avoiding you or something mean. It is just mean blogger! I really liked your blushy picture, too. You are soo sweet!
December 31, 2006
December 29, 2006
Friday Finally
What a week. And now another holiday weekend! Don't think mama is going anywhere, but you never know. Maybe she will be invited out.
Mom: Yeah, like that will happen!
Well, anyway. Maybe we will wax poetic over the new year this weekend. You never know.
Mom: Wax what??
So I picked up a few things from you. You are college educated, and majored in English!
Mom: And you say things like gotted and wented??
I am a kittycat. We do have our own language, too. And what makes you think you can write in purple. That's my pretty color.
Mom: *sigh* Whatever. I do your typing.
*sigh* Beans. Only good for scritchies and opening cans.
Mom: Yeah, like that will happen!
Well, anyway. Maybe we will wax poetic over the new year this weekend. You never know.
Mom: Wax what??
So I picked up a few things from you. You are college educated, and majored in English!
Mom: And you say things like gotted and wented??
I am a kittycat. We do have our own language, too. And what makes you think you can write in purple. That's my pretty color.
Mom: *sigh* Whatever. I do your typing.
*sigh* Beans. Only good for scritchies and opening cans.
December 28, 2006
Mark this day
No, no, mama didn't get a job. It started out kind of nice (I snuggled on mama til she had to get up, and I think I must have laid on her hand for squillions of nappies). Then she wented downtown with one of her friends who had a birfday today. They had lunch and mama gotted to get her hair trimmed so it is pretty for interviews, and they shopped at Target. Mama just gotted milk and bread and juice and cheese and soup and stuff like that we needed. Then, when she gotted home there was a lot of heavy bags (milk and juice are heavy, and so was the soup and stuff).
Here's where you mark this day: Our nasty neighbor actually helped her inside with her stuff and was nice all the way down the hall! Wow!!!! I hearded him!!!!
I still don't believe it!
Left over Christmas spirit? Turning over a new leaf (mama says that's like a do over kind of thing)? Whatever, we will take it. Mama was very nice in return, of course.
Maybe there is help for the beans after all. He normally is pretty nasty, and he hates me.
And when mama camed home there was scritchies for me and one jobbie to apply for.
Love, purrs, headbumpies, and a special hi for my Sugar Pie,
Here's where you mark this day: Our nasty neighbor actually helped her inside with her stuff and was nice all the way down the hall! Wow!!!! I hearded him!!!!
I still don't believe it!
Left over Christmas spirit? Turning over a new leaf (mama says that's like a do over kind of thing)? Whatever, we will take it. Mama was very nice in return, of course.
Maybe there is help for the beans after all. He normally is pretty nasty, and he hates me.
And when mama camed home there was scritchies for me and one jobbie to apply for.
Love, purrs, headbumpies, and a special hi for my Sugar Pie,
December 27, 2006
Nice quiet day. No jobbies. 38 degrees right now, so that makes it nice and warm. Mama is going to run some errands tomorrow. She's gotta go to the bank and then buy some milk and stuff and I think she is going to get her hair trimmed. She wants to look nice for jobbies.
Mama tried those sonic things for scaring mousies away, which worked last year, but this year I think they are all deaf of something, so mama had to resort to poison. No, she puts it where I don't go, and I don't like it anyway, so it's purrty safe for me around here. You heard I am scared of real mousies. So this is what she has to do *sigh* They have already eatten one bag of my organic litter (?) and a whole bag of cat food (whew, I have more, but still, it was MINE). *see p.s. Okay, mama?
So that's it. There are sick kitties and humans out here who need some purrayers and good thoughts, so I am sending a bunch of hug baskets out ti the blogosphere. It's a lot of work, so I hope everyone who can will help.
love, headbumpies, purrs, and a special nosekiss for my sweetie,
*ps. Okay, they ate my mama's instant oatmeal, too, and some ramman noodles, and the labels of some cans of soup.
Mama tried those sonic things for scaring mousies away, which worked last year, but this year I think they are all deaf of something, so mama had to resort to poison. No, she puts it where I don't go, and I don't like it anyway, so it's purrty safe for me around here. You heard I am scared of real mousies. So this is what she has to do *sigh* They have already eatten one bag of my organic litter (?) and a whole bag of cat food (whew, I have more, but still, it was MINE). *see p.s. Okay, mama?
So that's it. There are sick kitties and humans out here who need some purrayers and good thoughts, so I am sending a bunch of hug baskets out ti the blogosphere. It's a lot of work, so I hope everyone who can will help.
love, headbumpies, purrs, and a special nosekiss for my sweetie,
*ps. Okay, they ate my mama's instant oatmeal, too, and some ramman noodles, and the labels of some cans of soup.
December 26, 2006
Season's Greetings to all!
What ever you celebrate(d), we hope you have/had a lovely time!
I got some lovely food, and mousies, and some other toys, and ornaments (the unbreakable kind), and my special sweetie's mom even made a blankie for me! She also gave my mama a hat and scarf. And we gotted another bear(!), only this one is a special Chrissymouse bear angel from the Meowers, so that's okay.
Mama went to a special lunch on Chrissymouse Eve day with one of her friends, and I got special Stinky Goodness (it was from my sweetie!). And we even gotted to go to the fancy chat that night hosted by Robyn and the Hot(M)BC's. Little Persephone is sooo cute and sooo young! And there was even romance in the air that night. How sweet!
So now comes New Year's Eve. Hmm. Wonder what kind of stuff is going on for it? Wonder what food I will get? Hmmm. Hamm???? Please, mama???? *purrrrrs*
Mama applied for one jobbie today. She hasn't found anything else for at least a week. Doesn't make for a really good holiday, but we try our best.
Thank you for all the greetings you left us. And all the cheer. We hope others had a good time. We had snow before the day, but it melted by Chrissymouse, so our part of Minnesnowta did not have snow for the occasion. But Santa came anyway. He's always prepared for what ever weather comes. Thank goodness.
Chrissymouse, and Hannakah and Kwanza Feast and Solstice and all the other celebrations at this time of year are all celebrations of the positive, the good, the wonderous. There is warmth, peace, love and cheer at this time of year. May they grow with us and continue in our hearts throughout the coming year. And be for efurryone all over the world, and every bean.... Not a bad wish, huh, Persephone?
Love, purrs, gentle headbumpies, and a nosekiss for my Sugar Pie,
I got some lovely food, and mousies, and some other toys, and ornaments (the unbreakable kind), and my special sweetie's mom even made a blankie for me! She also gave my mama a hat and scarf. And we gotted another bear(!), only this one is a special Chrissymouse bear angel from the Meowers, so that's okay.
Mama went to a special lunch on Chrissymouse Eve day with one of her friends, and I got special Stinky Goodness (it was from my sweetie!). And we even gotted to go to the fancy chat that night hosted by Robyn and the Hot(M)BC's. Little Persephone is sooo cute and sooo young! And there was even romance in the air that night. How sweet!
So now comes New Year's Eve. Hmm. Wonder what kind of stuff is going on for it? Wonder what food I will get? Hmmm. Hamm???? Please, mama???? *purrrrrs*
Mama applied for one jobbie today. She hasn't found anything else for at least a week. Doesn't make for a really good holiday, but we try our best.
Thank you for all the greetings you left us. And all the cheer. We hope others had a good time. We had snow before the day, but it melted by Chrissymouse, so our part of Minnesnowta did not have snow for the occasion. But Santa came anyway. He's always prepared for what ever weather comes. Thank goodness.
Chrissymouse, and Hannakah and Kwanza Feast and Solstice and all the other celebrations at this time of year are all celebrations of the positive, the good, the wonderous. There is warmth, peace, love and cheer at this time of year. May they grow with us and continue in our hearts throughout the coming year. And be for efurryone all over the world, and every bean.... Not a bad wish, huh, Persephone?
Love, purrs, gentle headbumpies, and a nosekiss for my Sugar Pie,
December 22, 2006
To All Our Friends

Thank you all for your support during this trying time for us. We wish you the best for the coming year. You have brought many smiles to us. We thank the Divine Master for your unselfishness and hope.
For those who are ailing or going through your own rough times, we understand your pain and sadness, and have prayed for you and will continue to.
For all those who have passed on, we pray for your families, that they remember all the lovely times and keep them in their hearts forever.
As Tiny Tim said, "God bless us, everyone!"
December 21, 2006
A Snow Day
Yup. This afternoon the yucky rainy day turned into a snow day. And mama gaved me the fancy stinky goodness today and I had to take a loooonnnng nap afterwards (From the Lone Star Purrs--thanks! We like the ornaments, too, and I hope you aren't snow bound!).
Maybe it was because I curled up on mama early this morning and didn't wake her up. Maybe?
And we got boxes in the mail today. One we haven't opened. Mean mama. Oh, I understand, it's not Chrissymouse yet. Another had presents in it, so mama didn't let me see or open them either, but it had a card in it, and it was a really purrty card with hansome Edsel on it!
No jobbies. No calls from jobbies. Nothing. But I am going to check out the bloggies, and and maybe the next story installment....
Love, headbumpies, purrs, and Seasons Greetings,
and of course a special nosekiss for my sweet Sugar Pie,
Maybe it was because I curled up on mama early this morning and didn't wake her up. Maybe?
And we got boxes in the mail today. One we haven't opened. Mean mama. Oh, I understand, it's not Chrissymouse yet. Another had presents in it, so mama didn't let me see or open them either, but it had a card in it, and it was a really purrty card with hansome Edsel on it!
No jobbies. No calls from jobbies. Nothing. But I am going to check out the bloggies, and and maybe the next story installment....
Love, headbumpies, purrs, and Seasons Greetings,
and of course a special nosekiss for my sweet Sugar Pie,
December 20, 2006
Ok, mama left midmorning. She wented downtown with a friend. She didn't get back until midafternoon. She gotted lots of phone calls which interupted my nappies when she was gone. I have been ignoring her since she got home.
Next, signing on to blogger took me a squillion minutes today. It insisted I should have a google account first, but didn't give me any option of converting.
Enough to make me crabbie.
Love, headbumpies and purrs anyway,
Next, signing on to blogger took me a squillion minutes today. It insisted I should have a google account first, but didn't give me any option of converting.
Enough to make me crabbie.
Love, headbumpies and purrs anyway,
p.s. I like Miles' and my sweetie's wish lists! And go visit "and then there were four..eh" for a nice storytime. After that, who could be crabby?
December 19, 2006
Hmmmm. If mama and I could buy the mansion, I could have several rooms just for me. Mama could hire a housekeeper to cook and clean and change litter. And we could have other kitties, maybe the ones from Saint Cloud's Barking Ark, come live with us. And we'd have a flat screen puter, and high speed connection, and mama would have a jobbie and a car and new furniture, and maybe I could have a daddy. Hamm. Crunchies. Fancy Feast. Lots of cuddle cups. Stairs to run on. Lots of windows. Birdies. Alley Cat delivered. Hamm pizzas. Ice cube water all summer long, air conditioning, too. Nice heatie places to sleep in the winter.... parties for my friends........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
December 18, 2006
It's Monday again
Well, Santa time is getting closer. Mama filed two letters of interest at her old jobbie for two administrative assistant jobbies. And I was on mama's lap a lot today. More hamm sammich! Woo hoo!
The VanDusen mansion (remember the pictures in October?) has been on eBay, and apparently there is a deal in process for more than $3 Million Dollars. That, mama said, is squillions and squillions of money. Wish we had the money to buy it. Wouldn't it be neat to run around all the rooms in a mansion? I could have several rooms just for me!
Oh well.
love, purrs, headbumpies to all,
especially for my Sugar Pie,
The VanDusen mansion (remember the pictures in October?) has been on eBay, and apparently there is a deal in process for more than $3 Million Dollars. That, mama said, is squillions and squillions of money. Wish we had the money to buy it. Wouldn't it be neat to run around all the rooms in a mansion? I could have several rooms just for me!
Oh well.
love, purrs, headbumpies to all,
especially for my Sugar Pie,
December 17, 2006
Sunday, Sweet Sunday

How unfair is that? But I have two packages! And a song! All from my sweet Sugar Pie!
Mama let me send my own thank you card, though.
Oh, and the only jobbies this weekend were at her old jobbie. She applied for both of them. Silly people, you know how hard mama worked when she was there. You know she was well liked by the students. Hire her back!!!
Love, headbumpies, soft purrs and healing purrayers for those in need,
(and nosekisses for my wonderful Sugar Pie)
December 15, 2006
Friday Update
I had to hide from mama a little while ago. She was very very mad at her computer. She was in the middle of applying for a job when her computer got stuck. She had to turn it off and reboot and go back to the application. Thankfully the company saved most of it, so she finished. But she was very very man, and yelled. It's her anti-virus protection that keeps doing this. It's just one of those things we put up with, but in the middle of important stuff it makes her mad.
Well, she's calmed down, and now everything is okay.
No interviews set up for next week or anything. And that makes mama very sad. She says she has a headache now, so we are going to snuggle for a while.
Have a good weekend.
love, headbumpies, purrs, and purrayers,
nosekisses to my brave and sweet Sugar Pie,
Well, she's calmed down, and now everything is okay.
No interviews set up for next week or anything. And that makes mama very sad. She says she has a headache now, so we are going to snuggle for a while.
Have a good weekend.
love, headbumpies, purrs, and purrayers,
nosekisses to my brave and sweet Sugar Pie,
December 14, 2006
Thursday is Quiet, Too Quiet
Once again, nothing going on. Mama is getting very worried, as unemployment is going to be ending soon. She applied at a medical place today. They have several clinics and a hospital, and she now has an application on file there.
We have been having some problems with neighbors being mean and nasty, so that's no fun, either.
I did have hamm today for lunch, though. Mama shared her sammich!
Love, headbumpies, purrs, especially to my sweetie,
We have been having some problems with neighbors being mean and nasty, so that's no fun, either.
I did have hamm today for lunch, though. Mama shared her sammich!
Love, headbumpies, purrs, especially to my sweetie,
December 13, 2006
Hi, there!
Sorry we haven't been around for a few days. It has been warmer out, and when I can, I lay in the sunbeams. Mama hasn't been finding many jobs to apply for, and she is not very happy. She still can't figure out where she put the camera.
So there is no news from here. Although she did get to go out to lunch last weekend. For free! And she didn't save me anything.
I wish someone would give her the chance. *kittysigh*
Love, headbumpies, purrs, purrayers for those in need, and nosekisses for my Sugar Pie,
So there is no news from here. Although she did get to go out to lunch last weekend. For free! And she didn't save me anything.
I wish someone would give her the chance. *kittysigh*
Love, headbumpies, purrs, purrayers for those in need, and nosekisses for my Sugar Pie,
December 11, 2006

Sweet Libby passed away this morning under her Christmas tree. Christmas time is full of love and light, and she fell asleep gently, under one of our beloved symbols of the Season, to wake beyond the Rainbow Bridge, where her pains are no more, she plays with all the others who have passed, and she waits for those she loves to join her. Here is a light for her remembrance.
December 8, 2006
Friday Update
Actually, no update. Nothing happened. Except it got in the low 30's today! And supposed to be warmer tomorrow. Hooray! Nice sunbeams for napping!!
Early this morning I came and snuggled with mama, and purred so hard I fell sleep with my head in the bendy place of her elbow. She was awake, but let me sleep. Isn't she sweet?? When I woke up she fed me!
Mama putted the batteries in the camera, but I didn't feel like a picture, so I just ran in the other room. Then she put the camera down, and silly her, can't remember where. Mama is weird sometimes. She wanted a picture of me in my lounger. I just wasn't in the mood. Don't we all have days like that?
Course, she said it was for a special picture for someone special. Hmmm. My sweetie??
To be continued, I guess.
Love, headbumpies, purrs to all, and a kiss for my Sugar Pie,
Early this morning I came and snuggled with mama, and purred so hard I fell sleep with my head in the bendy place of her elbow. She was awake, but let me sleep. Isn't she sweet?? When I woke up she fed me!
Mama putted the batteries in the camera, but I didn't feel like a picture, so I just ran in the other room. Then she put the camera down, and silly her, can't remember where. Mama is weird sometimes. She wanted a picture of me in my lounger. I just wasn't in the mood. Don't we all have days like that?
Course, she said it was for a special picture for someone special. Hmmm. My sweetie??
To be continued, I guess.
Love, headbumpies, purrs to all, and a kiss for my Sugar Pie,
December 7, 2006
The Letter
Nothing much happened today. Again. Right now it is 10 degrees outside. But I have been snuggling, either with mama or with the blankies, or in my lounger. One of mama's friends is going to give me a little blankie for my lounger, I think. I overheard them talking on the phone today. I think it's sposed to be a secret though.
Lots of nappies today, dreaming of my Sugar Pie.
Chrissymouse is coming. Everyone is putting up their trees and decorating and stuff. Santy Claws just has to be good to us this year. Here is my letter to him:
Dear Santy Claws,
I don't need anything this year. I just want a jobbie for mama. I promise to be good. Well, maybe some hamm. And mama gives that to me anyway. So, I guess that's all we need. Santy, can you help those furry ones at the Barking Ark in St. Cloud all get furrefer homes? And help all our furends who are sickly, or out of work like mama? Maybe all you can do is a little pressie for each to cheer them up, but that's okay. It would help. Oh, and maybe a special gift for my sweetie. And mama wants one of those cat calendars. And a new long black scarf.
Thank you, and make Mrs. Claws bake you something special for when you come home Chrissymouse, and have a cup of hot chocolate waiting and your favorite cat to purr on your lap. Wait, you'r kinda big, so better make that a bunch of your favorite cats! A nice warm purrblankie!
Lots of nappies today, dreaming of my Sugar Pie.
Chrissymouse is coming. Everyone is putting up their trees and decorating and stuff. Santy Claws just has to be good to us this year. Here is my letter to him:
Dear Santy Claws,
I don't need anything this year. I just want a jobbie for mama. I promise to be good. Well, maybe some hamm. And mama gives that to me anyway. So, I guess that's all we need. Santy, can you help those furry ones at the Barking Ark in St. Cloud all get furrefer homes? And help all our furends who are sickly, or out of work like mama? Maybe all you can do is a little pressie for each to cheer them up, but that's okay. It would help. Oh, and maybe a special gift for my sweetie. And mama wants one of those cat calendars. And a new long black scarf.
Thank you, and make Mrs. Claws bake you something special for when you come home Chrissymouse, and have a cup of hot chocolate waiting and your favorite cat to purr on your lap. Wait, you'r kinda big, so better make that a bunch of your favorite cats! A nice warm purrblankie!
p.s. Smudge is having surgery on next Tuesday. Think healing thoughts!
And please purray for little Libby. She might have to be helped over the Bridge. We are so sad for her family.
December 6, 2006
Once again, mama had a wonderful phone interview. She is not one of the top 3 yet, but she is one of the top 15. And she did her interview with the owner of the business.
We will see. *kitty paws crossed*
It didn't get as cold as they said today, but it is 12 degrees and probably falling.
I slept on mama last night, even though it wasn't that cold in the partment. I love my mama, and she is comfy to sleep on.
The big fuzzy bear is cute. Hmm. Still contemplating making it my buddy.
love, headbumpies, purrs, and snugggles, sweet Sugar Pie,
We will see. *kitty paws crossed*
It didn't get as cold as they said today, but it is 12 degrees and probably falling.
I slept on mama last night, even though it wasn't that cold in the partment. I love my mama, and she is comfy to sleep on.
The big fuzzy bear is cute. Hmm. Still contemplating making it my buddy.
love, headbumpies, purrs, and snugggles, sweet Sugar Pie,
December 5, 2006
It's warmer, but the temps are gonna drop again...
Okay, right now it is 28. 20 degrees warmer than yesterday at this time. But I hear that the temperature is gonna drop again tomorrow, so we gotta enjoy this! By the weekend it is supposed to be warm again (well, over 30 anyway).
Mama is looking forward to her weird interview tomorrow, and another place that called her today is forwarding her resume to their hiring manager to schedule an interview.
Just somebody hire her!
That's it. Stay warm. No batteries in the camera yet.
Love, headbumpies and purrs, and a special nosekiss (of course) to my sweetie,
Mama is looking forward to her weird interview tomorrow, and another place that called her today is forwarding her resume to their hiring manager to schedule an interview.
Just somebody hire her!
That's it. Stay warm. No batteries in the camera yet.
Love, headbumpies and purrs, and a special nosekiss (of course) to my sweetie,
December 4, 2006
Even Burrier
Hate to tell you this, but right now it is 8 degrees. At 6:30 pm. Sitting on mama a lot. Sitting in warm places a lot. Even the sunbeams this afternoon were cold!
Mama had a pressie for me, a t shirt that a certain frootbat would like. It's edged in pink! Me? I got out of it as soon as possible! I think I prefer blankies to cuddle in and mama.
Mama has a phone interview Wednesday. That silly place called her back, and said that now they wanted the phone interview on Wednesday, so she must have risen to the top three fairly fast. Or everyone else told the bean he was silly, and to go away. A jobbie is a jobbie.
If there are benefits.
Mama hasn't put the new batteries in the camera yet. *kittiesigh*
Lots of love, headbumpies, purrs, and a special nosekiss for my Special Sugar Pie,
Mama had a pressie for me, a t shirt that a certain frootbat would like. It's edged in pink! Me? I got out of it as soon as possible! I think I prefer blankies to cuddle in and mama.
Mama has a phone interview Wednesday. That silly place called her back, and said that now they wanted the phone interview on Wednesday, so she must have risen to the top three fairly fast. Or everyone else told the bean he was silly, and to go away. A jobbie is a jobbie.
If there are benefits.
Mama hasn't put the new batteries in the camera yet. *kittiesigh*
Lots of love, headbumpies, purrs, and a special nosekiss for my Special Sugar Pie,
December 3, 2006
Another Brrrrrrrrr
Mama had to go downtown and run a quick errand today. So she was gone for a while. Meanwhile, my new little lounger..... well, I tipped it over. Oops. But I burrowed under a blankie, instead. Oh, and we had turkey sammich for lunch, so my tummy was full anyway. Nappies!! Warm nappies under the blankie!!!
She has applied for several jobbies since she gotted home. And fixed my lounger, of course. And, and, and it is almost 7 o'clock and 9 degrees! There was definately a reason she bundled up to go out. And was not gone long.
The only other thing is that our rent is paid for December, and we paid for all our utilities for November. And we thank you for your help. Even though there is not much left, the important things are paid for.
Keep warm everyone!
Love, headbumpies, purrs, and a nice nosekiss for my Sugar Pie,
She has applied for several jobbies since she gotted home. And fixed my lounger, of course. And, and, and it is almost 7 o'clock and 9 degrees! There was definately a reason she bundled up to go out. And was not gone long.
The only other thing is that our rent is paid for December, and we paid for all our utilities for November. And we thank you for your help. Even though there is not much left, the important things are paid for.
Keep warm everyone!
Love, headbumpies, purrs, and a nice nosekiss for my Sugar Pie,
December 2, 2006
It is cold! 13 degrees right now! Mama was gone a million nappies today. She camed home with a visitor. A little calico kitty which will go to a friend's house soon. It is a toy one.
One of her friends really wanted a stuffed calico kitty, and mama saw one at the second hand store she was at today, and it was $1.69 or something, really cheap, so mama got it for her. AND, mama gotted a nother bear. Mama, you are not supposed to buy any more! Well, he is cute, sort of. With a little hat and scarf for winter. But enough bears!!
We will be cuddling a lot, it is so cold.... Mama and me, not the bear. Although he is furry furry. Hmm.
Love, headbumpies, purrayers for those in need,
and sweet nosekisses for my sweet one,
One of her friends really wanted a stuffed calico kitty, and mama saw one at the second hand store she was at today, and it was $1.69 or something, really cheap, so mama got it for her. AND, mama gotted a nother bear. Mama, you are not supposed to buy any more! Well, he is cute, sort of. With a little hat and scarf for winter. But enough bears!!
We will be cuddling a lot, it is so cold.... Mama and me, not the bear. Although he is furry furry. Hmm.
Love, headbumpies, purrayers for those in need,
and sweet nosekisses for my sweet one,
December 1, 2006
Friday News
Mama was gone a loonnng time today. But I stayed comfy. As soon as mama puts new batteries in the camera, I think she should take a picture of me in my new little cat lounger that a certain Charlotte sent me. It is fleece on the bottom! Thank you, thank you, I love it (the catnip on the bottom doesn't hurt, either)! So now I have two fleece things (one of them is flat, but it plugs in), and we have a flannel lap blanket, 2 comforters, and another blanket that mama (and me) love to sleep under. No snow yet, here, but I hear it is coming! And right now it is 19 degrees.
Mama enjoyed seeing her sister today. On the way home she said she waved at Olivia (the nice office cat, remember?). Oh, and her sister has a new little woofie. So I now have a woofie cousin. It is a little dachshund. Mama saw a picture and said she is cute. And her sister said the woofie never barks at all unless she says "no!" to her. Then she barks back. She has lots of toys to play with, so that she doesn't put the bitey on stuff she shouldn't. So far, that's been working.
That's all the news right now. Hope everyone is doing okay. I will now get to catch up on the news. And, Mr. Hendrix, my Sugar Pie, I'm sending special snuggles to you. Just because.
Love, purrs, headbumpies to efurryone,
Mama enjoyed seeing her sister today. On the way home she said she waved at Olivia (the nice office cat, remember?). Oh, and her sister has a new little woofie. So I now have a woofie cousin. It is a little dachshund. Mama saw a picture and said she is cute. And her sister said the woofie never barks at all unless she says "no!" to her. Then she barks back. She has lots of toys to play with, so that she doesn't put the bitey on stuff she shouldn't. So far, that's been working.
That's all the news right now. Hope everyone is doing okay. I will now get to catch up on the news. And, Mr. Hendrix, my Sugar Pie, I'm sending special snuggles to you. Just because.
Love, purrs, headbumpies to efurryone,
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