July 24, 2007

Muggy Day Two

Mama said it was even yuckier out today. And she didn't go to the library, she came home and stayed here. Which was really nice, cause she didn't want to cook for lunch and made a tuna fish sammich. And you know what that means. TUNA JUICE! In my new bowl, too.

Mama has a bunch of phone calls to make tomorrow, and Thursday she has an appointment in the afternoon, but a friend is going to take her cause it's soo yucky out. Saturday she definitely wants to go to the community center and play bingo again.

Hope you all take care, including the beans and kitties in England fighting the floods, and those everywhere dealing with heat, drought, air pollution, and all that yucky stuff!

Love, and smoochies for my Sugar Pie,


Anonymous said...

Tuna juice is delicious :)

Monty Q. Kat said...

MomBean and I want to send you and your mama a little something. Is that okay?