August 24, 2009

Hello It's Monday

Monday again. Mama had to do errands today. Her comment was hey young people on the bus can be so nice or really thoughtless. Most of the beans who were giving up seats to the ladies who got on the bus were older gentlemen. But one young man moved his groceries so mama had a place for hers, so that was nice.
There are some really nice younger beans who ride the bus. Who refuse seats when someone older needs one, who offer their seats to older beans. But today it was the older beans who were being nice, and there were younger people sitting in the "reserved for the elderly or handicapped" (mama uses a cane when her back hurties) who refused to move. There were other older beans than mama who had canes who were standing on the bus. It was the older beans who were giving up their seats to help them out.
Some beans are raised right. Others we can be grateful don't have twins.


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

It's a shame for younger beans to be that way.

Thoughts said...

Dont even get us started on today's youth...

Thanks for your warm wishes you left us about our dear Nick. Means a lot to us. we are still hurting bad.

Theodore and Sasha