We apologize for not being around lately. Here's an update:
Tuesday night Mommy missed the meeting and stayed home. She decided she didn't want the stress (and sometimes anger) she gets when she does go. One of her sisters called, and one of her brothers called about three times!
Wednesday we were home. Mommy had some medicines delivered. That was it.
Thursday and Friday: Oh, we wanted to be here. We read a few blogs. But mostly the internets gods decided to freeze us out. Every where we went on the internet, we got frozen. Mommy gave up and read her book. We finally got to read Mousebreath TODAY!
Today is sunny and pretty. Mommy pretty much wants me to hush. I am very talkative today. So there. Lots to say! (wish mommy understood half of it. okay, most of it).
So there you are. I won an award, but we will work on it another day. Thank you Athena.
Mommy decided to get off the computer while it still works today. Which doesn't make much sense. So I'm still talking to her! She's going to hear a lot from me today! (I love the attention anyway!)