April 7, 2006

The Sun's back!

Yeah! The sun's back. The thunder bumpers yesterday were no fun!! Mama wasn't here for some of them, and I stayed cuddled up on the bed.

Mama said we are sposed to have a good weekend. But she told me she wasn't going to be here part of Saturday. And that she's bringing home a suprise. Stinky Goodness??? New Crunchies?? A toy???

Jeez, a zillion gillion naps til then!

No fair.

Oh, wait. Sunspot! OOh how warm and toasty. I think I will curl up and take one of those nappiessssszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


PrincessMia said...

Oooh, I wonder what the surprise will be. I can't wait to find out!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Those thunderstorms were wild! Lots of lightning & noise & pounding rain bet we stayed brave! Momma was sick and went to bed a 7:30 so we had to protect her too!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh, i hope the surprise is a good one. sometimes the people say that, and it's fun for them but not for us that's how we gotted Miles. - Sammy