July 6, 2006

Thursday News

It was a little warm today, but not too bad. Taking lots of naps helps. The cool fans help. And Sanjee is stopping by??? Wow!

Mama had her phone interview today, and it was ok. She will hear back next week if they want her to come in for a formal interview. She said the money was nice :)

She is going to her second interview tomorrow morning with the bank (yeahhhh!!). I am purraying that they really like her. She is going to wear a dark blue pinstriped jumper and a nice blouse under it, very formal and buisiness looking. But it is going to be 90 degrees out tomorrow, so I don't know how that's going to work. Keep in the shade??

Keep cool everyone. And thank you very much for the purrayers!

The owner of where we live wants his rent money. He camed over today. :-(


Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, you could tell her to take water along but then she might have to go to the litter box in the middle of the interview and that wouldn't be cool.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We are sending purrs and headbutts to your Mom.........also good vibes about getting a new job. Think positive.......I bet she gets it!!

Patches Lady

Ayla said...

Tell your mom that we are all wishing her luck with her interviews and stuff. The Dad had the same problem the other day when he had to go into NYC for an interview: it was like 90 degrees and he was wearing a suit. He looked like he was going to melt when he got home.

Edsel/The Pooch said...

we are keepin' our paws crossed about that second interview.

The Crew said...

Hope something good will come of all the interviews so you can stop worrying, Brandi.

Hot(M)BC said...

Cooly fans are good when it's hot. We've all got our paws crossed for your Mom.

~~ Boni