September 24, 2010

Friday Stuff

Don't ask why the camera made part of my footies yellow.  You know mama isn't good with the thing, anyway.  Just be happy she got the picture!  Remember, I hate my picture took. Or maybe it's because my mama isn't good at it. 
Anyway, mama wented out in the rain yesterday and made it home fairly dry.  Then she wented away again last night.  Something about having to help at Movie Night.  And The Untouchables.
Now why would anyone want anything to do with untouchables?  Why not stay home and scritchie and rubbie on your lovable kitty?
Well, anyway.  I hope Tracie makes it today.  She called on Wednesday.  Oh, yeah.  She said mama was a star.  She gotted her commentary posted in the local paper.  NOT the BIG city paper, just our local one.  She was hoping for the big one, but I think you gotta start small. Of course, when mama heard her commentary was posted, she forgot to ask about Tracie's car....and went out and gotted a copy of the newspaper instead.
So I hope she comes...
Have a good Friday, all,
and I have been remiss in mentioning my mancat boyfriendcat recently, but know I love him and I send sweet kisses to him efurry day. You all know him as Mr. Hendrix, official Cat Blogosphere Reporter and brofer to a little blurpy walking thing.  I know him as my Sugar Pie.
so, Sugar Pie, some extra special kisses,


meowmeowmans said...

How funny that the flashy box thing made your feets yellow! ConCATS to your mom on being in the paper. That's furry exciting! We hope Tracie makes it today. Have a great weekend!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well those yellow pawsies are purrfect for LIVESTRONG day! MOL!

Daily Dose of Dogs (aka Cats with your Coffee) said...

Yellow footies and all, you're still a doll.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh boy! Your mommy is famous! That is very exciting. I am very proud of her.

I think it is cool your paws are yellow. They are like gold which is what you're worth.

Thank you so much for your nice words. purrrrrrrrrrs

PS you can always come over here when your mommy abandons you. why she'd want to go somewhere where she can't touch a kitty is strange

Anonymous said...

Hey Brandi,

I think those yellow paws are perfect! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise- my lovely friend!

- Sherkhan

Everycat said...

Hehe! Golden Paws Brandi! Don't worry about it Brandi, the camera makes our heads purple sometimes.

Thank you for signing the petition to get justice for the little cat in Devon. Your support is really appreciated

Whicky Wuudler