September 11, 2010


There are times Americans remember. Events of the World Wars, or the Korean War, or Vietnam, or the Gulf. Plenty of other wars in the history books and on world wide news. We have shootings, murders. The Holocaust. The day that JFK was shot, or Bobby Kennedy, or Martin Luther King.  Or a local police officer, or store owner, or even the kid down the street, or maybe your next door neighbor. Floods, storms. Devastation.  With people in our city, recently it was the Day the Bridge Collapsed.
And we cannot forget 9/11/2001, either.
None of them are less or more tragic. Whether we felt them as a family, a community, a country, a world. All of them are horrific. All of them are remembered. 
We will never forget. Never.
But will we ever learn? 

Two towers
loved ones

War, murder, natural and unnatural disaster should remind us that we all are each other's family.
Why is it kitties and woofies learned that a long time ago and many beans just don't??


Neyland D. Cat said...

Well said. I'm not sure it's possible to find a more poignant way of saying it. We will remember. We must strive to learn from it. God Bless America!


Neyland D. Catt

The Florida Furkids said...

We will always remember.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

remembering. hoping knowledge is next.

Carly said...

Oh my...

So well said! Why indeed? Methinks the pawed ones have it all over we humans! Thank you for the comment you left on Ellipsis. It was very much appreciated!

Have a good week ahead.

Carly :)