April 5, 2006

Wednesday Blues

Ok, Mama gives blood today after work, so I have to take a zillion billion more naps til she's home. Then I have to be nice to her.

My work is never done.

Yawn. Mama, bring some hamm home, okey???

OOhh found another sunspot.



Tommy and Teaghan said...

We needs to teleport over to the sunny spot too. Today we gots snow! We don't know where Spring has gone.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Our sun spots went away. They are probably at your house, that is where they went!!

You have to be extra special nice to your mama when she gets home cuz she will have an owey, a nice purr session is in order.

Shaggy and Scout said...

It's been hard to nap today 'cause the birds are all singing & going crazy outside. There's bunnys hopping around too!!!