July 20, 2006

Sleepy day

Mama was awake all last night, so today she took a couple of naps. I think humans need more than a couple, though. I think she was worried about the rent money again.

She says to say thank you to all the beans and kitties trying to help us. We love each and efurry one of you. We don't know how else to thank you. But know that when we get everything back to okay in our lives, we will help others. We have done it before. When mama gotted her last job and stuff okay, she started to give to the food shelves and the neighborhood schools and stuff. There was a school by where she worked that didn't have a lot, and beans at her work helped raise money for textbooks and supplies for the kids. It made her feel good. There were collections for the needy, and they adopted families in need at Christmas. So, we will be getting back to stuff like that when we can.

Ok, nuff of the teary stuff, as my mama calls it. It was cooler today, but muggy. I gotted a little crabby at Mama, but she understood. I think.

I can't believe how nice Fraxy is. She is a little shy, but I really loves my Fraxy sisfur now. And the Temptations. I can't believe mama never gotted them for me before. They are soooo nummy!

Can anyone else see our links and our counter and our clock??? We can't.

Update: We can now see our links but 5-Cat and the Flyer and Grr, Midnight and Cocoa's links do not work. We had to remove one, and will be removing the other. So help us guys, with those links. Thanks,

Brandi's mom

Another update: We thank the Lone Star Purrs for their assistance with Grr, Midnight and Cocoa's links. What a simple fix!! What a silly mama!


Lone Star Purrs said...

You need to add an "s" to make it blogspot. I had to look at it a couple of times to figure it out. Hope that helps.
~Momma Becca


Yeppers I can see your counter and your clock.

We alls helps when we can. We poodins know when the need is there and just pitch in. IT's a good fink!


Anonymous said...

glad you got our linky thing workin cause we loves ta make new furrends an wants effurrycat to come an visit us! we wants you to know that our Lady sended you somefin fur your mama, but we sended you somefin fur you too cause we wants ta cheer you up. we'll give you a hint - it's pink an smells like...what mama?...we can't tell her?...why not?...okay...um, Brandi, neffur mind

Edsel/The Pooch said...

Brandi - aren't those treats good? i can't have them any more 'cause i have a "medical condition" but i used to loooove treats.