November 12, 2006

Sunday and Dark and Gloomy

It gets dark waaaay too early now! Yucky! This morning I got to curl up on mama, and I even let her hug me. Last night we DID have meatloaf, and I got some! Yummy!

Mama did her jobbie search and found two jobs today, and sent another place her resume and information to search.

It's not even bad today, 36 degrees right now. Just was not very bright. I think tomorrow there is going to be sun.

Snuggle weather. *kittysigh*

Love, and purrs and headbumpies to all, and purrayers for all in need (bean and non-bean)
and a special hello to my Sugar Pie,


Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Sugar Pie! I'm glad you had good snuggle weather today. Mommy is still sick so she read her new book and I slept on the couch with her. It was fun, but I missed you!
Good luck on your mommy's job hunt. My mommy was there a couple of years ago and efen though it was hard on her, she found a nice place.
Take care Sugar Pie!

caspersmom said...

Hi Brandi, my Mom doesn't like it when it gets dark real early either. It's been nap weather all day today, cloudy. The rain came in tonight like the weather man said it would so it might be nap weather again tomorrow. Mom let us out for a little while but we didn't stay out cause it was a bummer day. Hope something comes of the jobs your Mom found today.


Skeezix the Cat said...

How can yoo servive win it's 36 deegreez owt?? I'd tern bloo and then tern into an icy-sikkul.

Yoo asked me abowt cat swetters: I hate to admit it, but we have to git dawg swetters. Sizing is trikky, since it's not standardized. I'm only abowt 7 pownds, and I uzhully ware an extra small or a small, depending on the brand. My best frend Kismet is a big man cat and he wares a meedium.

The thing to do is go by the mezhurmint from the nek to the tale -- they uzhully provide that on the pakije. It's best if yoo can buy the swetter in persun so yoo can git a feel for wether it wood fit or not. My Food Lady sewz so she sumtimes gits them a littul big and takes them in. Yoo reely don't wunt to git them too tite.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that your Mama found some more jobs to apply for. Maybe one of these the the one. Take care of your Mama, who is so nice to share meatloaf with you.

Fat Eric said...

It is windy here in London today but not really cold. Mum's plant pots keep getting blown over and then she says bad words. Also the children she teaches have fits of craziness when the wind gets in their heads. No one knows why! Good luck to your mum with her next lot of interviews.