August 14, 2012

Tuesday Tails

It has been beautiful out.  The windows have been open for days, and I got sun puddles! And yesterday mom took some of the chicken she made in the crock pot a while back out of the freezer and made sammiches.  And she accidentally (on purpose, of course) left me some on the floor. What a nice mom! She put a lot of it in little plastic bags and froze it, so we can have it whenever we want.  It is sooo good.
I think she's going to go downtown tomorrow and leaving me.  The weather bean says it's going to be awful tomorrow. I think she should stay home, but she has errands she has to do.
She has to go to the bank beans and hope they don't have another bomb scare. She wented through two of those a long time ago, and doesn't want to go through another one. The company she worked for for 21 years had an office downtown in a big building and somebody threatended to blow it up (there was a Federal office on the main floor). Then in their new building with just them in it somebody didn't like the adds her company was running (somewhat controversial) and threatended to blow them up (the adds weren't made in her office at all, or even in this state).
The Twins won last night, but mama hasn't had news of if they are going to offer half price pizza at one of the pizza places here. There was an offer last weekend at another pizza place, but they wouldn't deliver. I think we may have enough green papers. Well, if not, there's always the chicken.
We have lots of different cultures represented in our building, and just now someone from somewhere else is making something and the hall smells delish. Better than chicken OR pizza!
That's the Tuesday Tails.
love to all,
BREAKING NEWS: we have enough green papers and they are offering 50% off pizza DELIVERED today. Mommy said yes!!!!
She gets her social security check tomorrow!!!


Rene said...

We are glad you're enjoying the weather and we sure hope there is NO bomb scare again. Yikes!

Katie Isabella said...

Oh you had a wonderful dinner! PIZZA! and DELIVERED! Can't beat that. Glad you have the chicken for a back up though. Mommy gonna make some for my brother bean. xoxox

yuki and rocket said...

Yummy pizza! Our dad gives us his pizza crusts, mom is selfish and does not since it's her favorite part of the pizza.

yuki and rocket

Shaggy and Scout said...

"We're gonna win Twins, we're gonna score..." or something like that.
Hooray for the pizza. We thought it was a standing deal that was offered for the pizza with a win. It's not like the pizza place is going to go bankrupt or anything with the Twins record this year. Heh.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Woo-Hoo pizza! No reason to say anything else. (enjoy, Brandi)

GLOGIRLY said...

What is your favorite pizza place? : )

Princess Jasmine said...

oooh, a bomb scare must be so frightening. Pop on over any time you like for a pamper session in my salon :)xx