March 24, 2006

Friday's here

Mama wanted to snuggle this morning! Or was that me??? Anyway, I got scritchies and head bumpies and good stuff. She made sure I had food (new stuff, new bag!!) and water, and went to her work. This weekend she has to figure out her camra. She has to! Anyway, Mama put a puddy up on the left of your screen, a silver gray one like me! Clicky and she will chase your mouse! Mama is getting better at this puter stuff, so maybe she will figure the camra out. Mama said if it doesn't work she will buy a disposable digtal one to take pictures.

It snowed real soft yesterday. It would have been pretty, but it was so gray out. There were some birdies out the window, anyway, so I was entertained. Whenever I wasn't curled up for nappie time. I always make sure I have a lot of them!

Mama said the ver-nul eeqwanocks (??) is here and it means spring. But there is still snow, mama, so that's confusing.

Have a sweet day, everyone. Those of you recuperating from V-E-T stuff, hang in there! Get extra snugglies!


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Waters am falling from the sky here, no whitey stuff and the ground is bare, cept where Dad used the Monster to blow it off the driveway. Lookin at the gray day makes me nappy....

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

You am way said:

Mistrie is very beutimous and photojenic... 'Fraid my pictures won't nearly be as nice when Mama gets her camra stuff working... There are so many very pretty (prettier than me) kitties on the 'net!! Mistrie AND Mittens AND Patches qualify!!!!

Mom says this: All kitties are beautiful! All of ceptions!!! She is looking so forward to your pichers.....

Spock said...

I seed you at Patches & thought I'd come say hi. How come I've never been here before? Did you somehow slip through the cracks in my comments or am I just turning into a rude kitty?!?! I will link to you as soon as mine Mom does my linkies again...