We are almost moved in. Last weekend the movers came and moved most of our stuff. It is mostly all still in boxes, although I now have a new litter box (thank you mama), and my lounger is in the old place yet, and someone broke our monitor. We are borrowing a computer in the Senior Place in our building.
So no pictures until we get a monitor (and that might be a while). The county lost all our money for this month, so things are REALLY tight. They say it takes 25 days to get it back.
Mama lets me sit in the rocking chair now (we don't have my footstool here yet), and the frigerator makes loud banging noises and they haven't been able to turn the gas on for the stove. And mama keeps doing a lot of dishes, unpacking them, washing them and putting them away.
This weekend mama finishes getting stuff, cause that's when a friend can help her. Lamps, my lounger, my warmy bed for the winter (somehow I don't think it will be needed as much here), some kitchen stuff, the computer desk. Oh, and in a week and a half or so our furniture will be here. A new bed for mama, and a love seat (a small couch) and a small kitchen table. None of it is really new, but it is new for us. Mama does not like sleeping on the floor.
It's a good think that most of my Stinky Goodness comes with pop tops. Mama forgot her can opener at the old place. That's another thing she has to bring over!
Well, I am going to check up on you all, and try to get mama to go to the Senior Place again and keep you up on the news.
love, headbumpies, and a
sweet nosekiss for my
Sugar Pie (
I've missed you),