August 19, 2006

Veggie Meat


The candle is one for National Homeless Animals Day. Please, if you can, adopt a homeless animal, or help your local shelter either by volunteering or giving food and things they need (ask) or money. Remember to spay or neuter your pets.

And give your loved ones extra hugs tonight.

And now, back to brandi:

Hey, the veggie meat is not bad. Smells good. Tastes good. I kinda like it. Mama says there is no meat in it, just veggies, but, really, I do kinda like it. Whaddya know??

It is nice out today, but mama has been bugging me. I think she was bored. I think she wanted to play with me just cause she was bored. I randed away for a while cause I didn't want THAT much attention. Sheesshh.

We need to have a daddy. And she needs a job. The daddy could play with me and she could work. I love daddies. We need one. And a house. And the daddy could play with her when I was tired of playing with them both. And I would get extra treaties. Yumm.

We need to work on the jobbie thing. There was none today. But then, we need the daddy. And a house. Oh, and high speed internet. My job is never done.


{yes, dear}

We need stuff.

{I know, sweetie}

First a jobbie, then a daddy and a house and then high speed internet and then Fraxie wants treaties all day long.

{Fraxie does?}

We'd share.

{I see}

We promise.

{First things first, dear. I really need a job}

So, somebody out there hire my mama!!!


The candle is one for National Homeless Animal Day. Please, if you can, adopt a homeless one, or give to your local shelter. All the animals thank you. Lots of us were homeless once, too.




Ayla said...

I'm sorry to hear that your mom is still having problems finding a job. The first time the Dad gots laid off, it took him six months to find work. Luckily this time it was easier. If there is anything we can do to help, let us know.

Oh and Daddies are good things. The Dad goes to work so the Mom can take care of me all day. :)

Hot(M)BC said...

You's got a furry nice candle for the Homeless Animals, Brandi. I's sure Fraxie would share her treatsies wif you, too. Fraxie's a nice Squillion kitty. Course you's a nice poodin too. And all the Squillions are nice. Oh gosh, so many nice kitties. And nice beans. Oh yay!
Purrs and headbutts!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We so wish your Momma would luck out in the job department. The Daddy department would be nice too, we sure like ours. In fact, maybe you can tell who you think our daddy likes best (tomorrows post)


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, and you can come anytime, but it would be nice to come while Gree is visiting Mistrie and Momma has her head all down in the sofa. You can stop in and see us too!!


Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, brandi. sorry to hear you have such tsooris (i think that means sorries; Mommy says it sometimes). it's tough to work as hard as you do, cheering up your Mama, worrying lots for her and you, and thinking up solutions like a daddy. we hope you and Mama get get your solutions quick!!

purrs and head-butts from all the pierce kitties