December 25, 2008
We will be back in a few days, when mama comes home from the hospital.
(did you know lady beans can get lady gardenectomies?)
We gotted our pressie from my Sugar Pie! I gotted two whole cans of Fancy Feast eated already! And a lambie. And Cosmic Catnip. And more foodies and a book to read with mama, and towels, and a memo pad for mama, and, and, did I mention my new lambie? It has catnip in it!!!
We have pictures, but it will be a while. Mama has to get up at 3 in the morning ....
Hope you all had a good holiday!
December 23, 2008
Tuesday News
We have this from last year:
Tomorrow is CHRISSYMOUSE EVE! That means SHRIMPIES!! (Max is welcome to share, by the way, cause we know shrimpies is one of Max's favorite things, and it IS Chrissymouse).
Mama says my sweetie might not get his pressie til Saturday. Hang on, Sweetie. It's jingling its way to you as fast as it can!!! We gots my pressie, but mama won't let me at it till tomorrow.
Oh, well. Only one more day!!!
click on the above, it's from I can haz cheezburger, and we love the music, too!
p.s. please press the Kindness Movement sign at the right and you will find out all about the Kindness Movement. Pretty cool. For all year round! And don't forget to play the meditation chimes. And feed the kitties and doggies, too. Such a lot of clicking to do!!! But it's all worth it!!!
December 21, 2008
Wait! That means Chrissymouse is ALMOST HERE!
Yippiee! And mama has updated our linkies! Yippiee!
oh, wait. mama will be going to the bean vet place on Friday for her operation. And not come home til maybe Saturday.... that's a lonngg time!! Maybe Chrissymouse can wait a while??? Oh, I guess not, huh. Too many are waiting for it and Santy Paws.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
December 20, 2008
Let It Snow
and yes, little woofie Lizzie has booties for the snow, and she wore them today! And her hat and her little coat!
p.s. play the zen chimes for some relaxation time! Sooo needed any time. It's pretty!
December 15, 2008
Mama's lived here for more than half her long long long
*ahem. Santa's coming*
I mean, mama's lived here for more than half her life. That better, mama?
*could be better, but, yes*
Anyway, mama has lived here a while and she knows how to dress for the weather.
I hear something about cleaning again tomorrow.... do the litter box, too, mama, when you clean your bean litter box room, and I guess I won't complain too much.
*of course, brandi. That's one of the reasons I have to clean....litter on the floor.*
Gotta go.
December 14, 2008
Snow is Coming Again
The appointment is to poke and prod her and make sure she is okay for her surgery. Better her than me. But since she has taken time off, she has been better. Her blood pressure is much lower, and her diabetes is better. Woo-hoo. My nursey skills are wonderful, huh!
And we had turkey for lunch today. Mama shared :-p
late update: we are cancelling the appointment Monday cause of the snow and the ice and stuff on the sidewalks. We're gonna reschedule. It is crappy out there! We can't see much, and have heard of lots of bad accidents.
December 7, 2008
December 5, 2008
Bad News and Good News.
Recently little Davy, the little black and white woofie, passed over the Bridge. He was only 4 years old and had heart problems. Shortly after Davy left, his bean wented out to a rescue place and got a new doggie, Lizzie, and mama met her today. Lizzie was on her way out for a walk with her new bean, and she had a little sweater on and a hat. She is a cute toy poodle, just a puppy, and very glad to have a new forever home. The bean just couldn't be alone without a woofie, so he didn't replace Davy, he just let another woofie melt his heart.... So sweet! Lizzie is already spoiled! But she won't wear her little booties to keep her pawsies warm outside.
So that's my bad and good news for the day. Davy passed over the Bridge, but Lizzie founded a forever home.
I am an indoor cat, so I only spent maybe one winter out in the cold snow whened I was little. Then I got rescued and then mama camed along. She just had a cat who had passed over the Bridge, and wasn't really looking for a new cat yet, but when I saw her at the PetSmart, I knew she was mine and I warmed mama's heart and she tooked me home. And now we gots a really nice partment and we have each other.
But sometimes I wonder about my old friend Mr. Squirrel from our old place....
We live too high up for me to see the squirrels. Just birdies flying by.
December 4, 2008
Another Quiet Day
My sweetie, we HAVE bought your chrissymouse pressie, and all we have to do is mail it. Or them. Or whatever. So you ARE getting a pressie from us.
We are still working on the paperwork for family leave for us.
Tomorrow we have to resign the lease again. They do the official signing in October or November. Mama had to do it twice last year. Once when we moved in in August, and then again in October.
And she got ANOTHER mop.
December 2, 2008
Tuesday News
At mama's jobbie they are not sure about the medical leave. Her boss wants to terminate her, instead. But that would mean she would apply for medical assistance, and not even have to change insurance. They would have to pay all of the insurance and her co-pays would be less. And she would only have to go one floor up in her building to do it.
It would be tough, but we have gone through that before and survived. She wants to redesign our bloggie like Parker did, but now we can't afford it. Until they decide at her work.
Anyway, she is relaxing a lot, and doing a lot of reading, and trying to catch up on my blog--she hadn't changed blog names or anything for quite a while, so she did that this last weekend. See our list of bloggies has mostly been corrected! Still need to update for new bloggies, though. We will do that soon.
She is also cleaning and stuff. She washed the floors twice this week and it's only Tuesday! And she takes walks in the cold. She likes cold. Beans!!
ps. Thank goodness we already got my sweetie's presents bought!
November 30, 2008
November 29, 2008
Saturday Stuff
That makes up for what she did earlier. You see, when she takes the garbage bag out of the container and she shakes a new bag out and puts it in, I absolutely HATE that noise and it SCARES me. So I runned away.
Oh, not outside or anything. Just in the shower.
And just wait. Come back a little later and she will show you. You see, she followed me in there and took a picture of me.... Maybe it won't turn out.... Maybe she won't get it out of her camera.....
Ah, fresh air!
November 28, 2008
A Picture of Thanksgiving Turkey
November 26, 2008

November 25, 2008
What do you know!
It's my favorite!!
November 22, 2008
Saturday Stuff
Mama is going to use that stuff on me again today. I don't know if it helps or not yet. I still get dander.
Mama is going to ask for medical leave for a while at work, or she says she has to quit. It is really getting to her, and she is pretty exhausted when she gets home at night. So she is going to the doctor on Monday to see what he says. She wants to just go on medical leave so that while she won't get paid, she will keep her benefits, which means insurance. Then she can have her surgery and stuff, and get healthy. And keep her job.
We will see what happens. In the mean time, here is a picture of me!
November 16, 2008
Sunday Snooze and a Surprise

November 15, 2008
Weekend stuff
Anyway, she wented to somewhere called the Swedish Institute, which she has been to before, and they had a Chrissymouse Fair. This is a beautiful mansion (they even call it a castle), and it has 11 different 'ramic fireplaces in it. Just imagine! She camed home with some new wooden ornaments. One was even a MOOSE. Well, she said it was Santa's reindeer, but it's still scary!
Mama's surgery is not till just after Chrissymouse. So we have to wait.
Oh, wait, mama said she wented to PetSmart today, and checked out the woofies in the training classes and there was a pomeranian and a couple corgies and a yellow lab. She also wented in the rescued kitty room (it's separate, so they can have privacy from woofies and lots of noise). She said there were lots of older kitties, like 1 and 1/2 years to six years, but there were a family of little kitties, and she said one of the black kitties was very playful and remined her of my Sugar Pie. One of the older 3 year olds reminded her of her Suki, who camed way before me. Suki lives now over the Rainbow Bridge and her ashes are in a jar on one of our bookcases. So she can still be with mama, sorta.
She did get me something there I know it. She had to have. Mommm! PetSmart!!
November 13, 2008
A Picture
gloomy and gloomy.
p.s. our computer now likes mama's camera, so we might have new pictures soon. If I can't hide fast enough.
p.s again. Milo is gonna have a baby brofer! And he's gray and is a rescued baby, like lots of us were!
November 9, 2008
Sunday Snooze
We don't know when the surgery will be. We are waiting to hear. But mama is home this weekend, and it's cold outside, but of course, warm in here. So I am happy.
We are just snuggling a lot. And I love nappies. Of course, I have lots to dream about, like my sweet Sugar Pie.
Hope you are all having a good weekend.
We have a lot to catch up on on the blogs.
November 7, 2008
We are here!
The bad news is now she needs major surgery, and we don't know when yet.
The reaaally bad news is that IT SNOWED TODAY
The good news is that she ordered me a hamm pizza tonight.
Gotta go! It's here!
November 1, 2008
Hello! We're Still Here!
I am nursie again.
Haven't been on line for a while, so I have to catch up on all the news. Hope you all are doing okay. Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween. And thanks for thinking of us.
We find out more on Monday morning.
ps. We have been looking around and found Parker's badge for diabetes. Since mama is a diabetic and the one who went before me was too, we had to add the badge.
October 25, 2008
The Weekend
Tomorrow it is supposed to be cold and windy. So mama and I will get a lot of snuggle time in.
Of course, our partment is nice and warm, but still it will be nice to be together.
love (and sweet nose kisses to my Sugar Pie),
October 23, 2008
Thank you Derby. HTML. That's what this is. Wow. What did we know?
Hope we will get to work on this again this weekend. Mama is SOOO busy lately.
We HAVE to catch up with all the bloggers.
October 19, 2008

October 15, 2008
Wednesday Update
We are still working on changing the blog.
Mystery lives on our floor, and we gave her mama help getting a blog. They don't have a puter. And her mama isn't around in the daytime--so she can't use the puters downstairs. The place closes really early.
Mystery is a real snooty cat, but hey, that's catitude.
Mystery saw a picture of Mr. Hendrix and she got all strange. Is the love cafe up anymore? She would make a perfect match for somecat.
October 14, 2008
Hi there
Hey, my sweetie got his present! I put my smells all over it before mama mailed it. Just for him.
ps. I am currently sharing with Mystery, a new lady cat in my neighborhood. So if my comments on your blog show up as her, well, I cant get the two separated. My picture is gone on my blog, too... If you know what I can do, let me know.
Mystery has quite a catitude. She's a bit snooty. And.. hey, she has a crush on MY boyfriendcat! And this is NOT Mystery. Even though it says so below!!!
October 7, 2008
Tuesday News
Speaking about neighborhoods, the street where mama used to sometimes walk down at night on her way to our old yucky place? There was a robbery today, and someone gotted shot. Another really great reason to be well away from that place! Although mama misses the old coffee shop, and still moans that there are none around here within walking distance that she likes. There is one, but she doesn't like it there. And, oh, yes, the shopping trip is not that close to our old neighborhood, so she should be safe.
Here we hear lots of sirens and stuff, but it is because we are close to a fire department and a police department, and we feel very safe hearing those noises.
Oh, and yes, mama is going to make a new bloggie. No, we aren't leaving! We aren't even moving! Our bestest friend Skeezix is helping us get a new look on here. So it's just a speriment blog. Thanks so much Skeezix. Especially if mama survives and I don't here a lot of bad words!
A note to the blogosphere: Skeezix has never done us wrong. Yea!
last but not least:
I love you my Sugar Pie!
October 6, 2008
Monday Stuff
October 5, 2008
Hi, on Another Sleepy Sunday
Breathing in the cool air. Softly dreaming of my Sugar Pie. What a sweet life.
Our neighbor is doing fine, now. And Davy is being very good, as always. He used to bark when he went for walkies, but now he doesn't. When he goes out with Arthur, Arthur has a walker with a seat on it, and Davy jumps in and rides down on the walker to the lobby very quiet and good. When Arthur's family does walkies, he still is a good boy.
That's all the news. Just a quite weekend.
love to all,
October 2, 2008
Thursday update
Mr. Hendrix
love to all,
September 28, 2008
Happy New Week
We are sorry to hear of the passing of the honorable Cap'n Nels at the Meowers of Missouri. My heart is purring for his family.
Yesterday Davy the dog (who lives down the hall) had his bean not feel well. Davy is a sweet little dog, and we hope his bean, Arthur will do better. He is an elderly bean, and has diabetes like mama. Arthur scared his doggy and the aide that stopped to check up on him. But the mergency team came quick and he didn't have to go way to the bean vet. Before the mergency team came, mama offered her help, too. She is such a nice bean.
She finally got some more updating done on my new bloggie friends list. Yeah! But we're not done yet.
Back to work for mama tomorrow.
love to all,
kisses to my sweetie,
September 26, 2008
Friday Stuff
My sweetie has been ill this week, but he is doing much better. Yay!
I whoopsied this week, too, but my mama hasn't taken food away from me. Yet.
And here it is Friday and there are storms coming tonight. Sugar Pie, you can come over and hold my paw if you can get your mama to go do something else and think you are just napping when you teleport over.
Love to all,
a sweet kiss for my Sugar Pie,
September 23, 2008
Rain, rain, rain
Thunders and stuff. Mama, I think we're done here. Time to cuddle!
September 18, 2008
Hi on a Thursday
It's going to be hot tomorrow again. Wow. In the 80's! WARM nappies in the sun!
Mama was gone last night for a while. She carried a bunch of clothes out, then camed back lots of nappies later with the same clothes. I think she said she did her laundry. Hmm.
It's simpler to wash your fur. And faster.
Hey, Sugar Pie, wanna come over tomorrow and take nappies with me in the sun??
oh, no. Guess what! my Sugar Pie gotted a really neat bed. concats, my Sugar Pie, and I will understand if you stay home Friday.
September 14, 2008
Easy like Sunday Morning
September 13, 2008
hey, NOO!

and lola
Go say goodbye.
September 11, 2008
Thursday Update.
Mama already called one of her brothers, and he's okay (he lives in Houston).
purrayers, good thoughts, and ((((hugs)))) to all.
brandi & mama Carol
September 9, 2008
September 7, 2008
September 6, 2008
Hello, there!
She made it home just in time, too. It started raining just when she was bringing the stuff inside. Oh, I spose that was nice. My foodies and litter didn't get wet!
So I forgive her for the coffee and the tea and the diet soda and the **gulp** Crissymouse stuff!
Enjoy your weekend!
love, and a smooch for my Sugar Pie!
September 1, 2008
August 31, 2008
Sunday Sweet Sunday
He gets hansomer every time I look at him.... **blush**
and the bff awards card gets passed to five ladycat bloggers: the Big Piney Woods Cats(ok, I know they are a full house, but they all deserve it), KC (our Spunky Tortie Reporter), Pandora (in memory of), Sweet Ariel, and Parker. And five mancats (cause I said so): Edsel, Max, Buddah (just cause they were here firstest when we started reading blogs, and their moms are super special), Skeezits (for his helpful computer answers, and for being the best party thrower), and new baby Milo (for being cute).
August 30, 2008
Saturday Again
Be safe all this weekend! I will be around.
August 26, 2008
Tuesday News
Labor Day (I don't get that, either) will be next Monday. And that means mama doesn't have to labor. I think that means she doesn't have to work. Woo Hoo!
Beans are confusing sometimes, ya know? Confenshuns and days you don't have to work being called labor (which means work).
love, and a smooch to my Sugar Pie,
August 24, 2008
Sunday Snooze
Mama has been updating my bloggie!! Check the new bloggies out on the side! Other than that, pretty quiet here. Just the way we like it.
August 23, 2008
Saturday Stuff again
I had to stay close to her Friday, cause she was home sick. And today she has been sleeping a lot, so I have been keeping her warm. And she has given me several head and ear and chin and face scritchies today!
So, I am off to see what has gone on this week. And what my Sugar Pie's blog says, and, and, well, everything.
and p.s. for those of you who are new to the bloggies, Sprout was Monty Q's bean burpy baby sister.
and life goes on: the Crew has a new bean burpy sister!
August 16, 2008
August 10, 2008
We are heartbroken for Monty Q's family.
Please think kind thoughts for them at this hard time.
love, brandi and Mama Carol
August 9, 2008
Hi, Again on a Sleepy Saturday
Oh, and speaking of my sweetie, I am going to probebly embarrass him, but I think this is a cute kitty picture (isn't he a cutie?):

I have a kitty with a crush on me. So for him, and specially my Sugar Pie, here:
love to all, a kiss for my sweet dashing Sugar Pie,
August 3, 2008
Sunday Snooze
August 2, 2008
Oh, No

The Weekend!
This one my Sugar Pie gaved me for Valentine's Day. Only, this is where I usually am on it:
It is going to be very hot this weekend. But we are cool inside here. Hope everyone takes care. We will be around and be catching up with stuff here.
Mama changed my crunchies. Which reminds me.... Mama, fill my foodies!
July 28, 2008
Monday, Monday
It is hot and muggy here, but we have a/c this summer, so it is comfy inside.
You might notice we took the weather update off this weekend. It was never correct, at least 4 degrees off, so we switched to the weather pixie. Let's see how that one goes.
love to you all,
and thanks for the company, my sweet Sugar Pie, mama says you can come over any time! You are such a gentlemancat!!
July 26, 2008
Saturday Stuff again
The water is back to normal again. I don't know why it was so smelly and yucky. They just told us on the news that it was safe to drink when it was like that. Bleah! We didn't think so!
But I am still getting my bottled water. Yes I am!
Mama has to go back to work Monday. Waaaah!
We even had hamm pizza....
July 19, 2008
Saturday Stuff
Anyway, Tuesday she has her nother surgery. On her nother eye. So I am going to be nursie Brandi again.
I hope she doesn't forget my water again....
July 13, 2008
Easy like Sunday Morning
July 12, 2008
Saturday Stuff
It isn't me that is smelly. Or my litterbox. It is the bean litterbox. They announced on the news that some of the water in our city smells and tastes bad. Oh, it's safe, it just stinks to drink it or smell it. Whew. I thought my taste and my smell was off or something. Mama puts down the seat on her litterbox and the smell doesn't get as bad. It was the open toilet bowl and the smelly water from the city. She started giving me bottled water.
Oh, yeah. We had really bad stormies last night with lots of flashies and boomies. I mean lots and lots of flashies. I hid under the bed and came out when it was over.
Lots of love, see ya all later,
July 9, 2008
Wednesday Update
We have a problem with my litter box. It stinks. Even after mama changes the litter (not just scoops, I mean all fresh). She thinks it's me, but I think it's the litter box. Hmmm. We use the Arm&Hammer odor stuff that changes colors. We have been using it since we moved here.
maybe it is me....shhh. don't say the V word!
Anyway, I hope everyone had fun at the par-tay, and is having a good week.
love to all, and nose kisses for my Sugar Pie,
and a sad farewell to our hero Mu shue. Our hearts are with mama Laura and her sweet family.
July 6, 2008
Hey, Par tay at my Sugar Pie's place
I need to leave this place for a while. I am on my mama's bad list today. I did a "no" thing. She caught me on her personal pillow today. Twice. And I was told I have control of every other thing in my partment, but not where she puts her head at night.
Come to the partay!
I am assuming it is still going on. Maybe I will have to rescue my sweetie!
And oh, yes, even I had to hide under the bed for the 4th. We weren't here last year, and found out that the neighborhood does fireworks. They were really close. My eyes openeded really big when the first sploded and shimmered all over the sky. Then I wented for cover.
July 3, 2008
Hello, there!
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Stay safe and away from fireworks. And if you have to, hide! But if your parents are home (or pets), they will probably snuggle with you. Like mine does.
love to all,
p.s. from Carol. She tried verry verry hard, but she did leave me one hairball. And she keeps track of where I am and what I am doing. She is a sweet girl
June 30, 2008
She took out the garbage, and planned food for her. Then she is supposted to leave out extra water and food tonight and clean my litter box one last time.
She will be home sometime tomorrow afternoon, so I won't be lonely. Besides, my sweetie said he'll keep me company!
They are going to fix her eye tomorrow, and as soon as she recouperates she will see better. Yea!
She can't wait.
Thank you for all your kind thoughts and purrs. They are appreciated.
I hope maybe I won't have to yak up a hairball. I will try not to.
love to you alll,
June 29, 2008
Weekend stuff
I have been sitting on mama a lot this weekend. Practicing up my nursie dutes.
And my sweet Sugar Pie is coming over Tuesday to hold my paw as I wait for my mama to get home from her operation.
HEY MAMAAA dont forget the litter box!!!
June 27, 2008
Fabulous Friday
But this way efurryone gets to celebrate Friday. After all, for those of us with parents (or pets) that work all week, Friday means the WEEKEND and more scritchies and snuggles and stuff, and then we are all special, as we, of course, should be.
Even though it is dark and gloomy here, my mama camed home! That in itself is Fabulous. It is rainy out, and she deserves to be here so I can snuggle!
My Sugar Pie says he will stay with me and hold my paw on Tuesday while my mama has surgery. Isn't he sweet?
We can snuggle on my pink blankie. Or maybe my bed. Or my rocking chair. Or my cuddle cup (it's pretty big). Then I won't be worried about my mama so much.
She is working Monday on the phones again, and then off to the ambulatory center on Tuesday morning.
Ahh yes. Nursie brandi has her mama home for almost a whole week. Yea!!!
love to my Sugar Pie, (that dashing and brave reporter, Mr. Hendrix)
and purrs for all of you in the Cat Blogosphere!
June 25, 2008
Hey, it's me again whoo hoo
Tonight she hadded some spinich stuff in some pastery. I got some and it was quite good.
So now, since her eyes don't work right, her boss says the next three days she can take phone calls instead. She caught mama looking at stuff with a magnifying glass, and decided that phone calls would be better for her.
More later
p.s. love to my sweetie and blessings to efurryone and everybean.
June 21, 2008
SweetHeart Saturday
June 17, 2008
I'm Baaaaack
My mama is going in on July 1 for cat r axe surgery. Now, what does a cat have to do with an axe or my mama's eye?? Beans are sure funny some times.
Now as for new pictures, we are having technical problems. We had to uninstall our photo thing cause it kept saying that it was sick. When we reinstalled it it still said it was sick. It's out of date (old) so it doesn't connect with the help thing on the internets. Maybe that's why it is sick. Anyway, if we can figure it out, there are a couple of new pictures in the camera (mama cheated and snuck up on me).
Mama is taking July 1 off for her surgery, and then the rest of the week off. Then she is going back to work the next week. Tomorrow she will be home late cause they have to measure her eyeballs or something.
That's the noos, as the Mighty Tough Tortie KC would say.
June 14, 2008
We Are Blogging Today
June 11, 2008
Some News
Tomorrow she is going to a bean vet, and has to work late to make up time. So I won't have her home much for the next couple of days. She'll be making up time Thursday and Friday. But it's her and not me at the vet.
But I will miss her.
June 7, 2008
Saturday Stuff
And, and then she did something wonderful just for me. We had HAMM PIZZA!!!!!
Whoo hooo. And leftovers today for dinner, she said.
Mama, hurry up on here and lets go eat Hamm!
June 3, 2008
Tuesday News
Mama got through work today. She's learning new people and ways of doing things (like signing in on paper AND on the puter).
One of the astronauts is Karen Nyborg, and she is from Minnesota.
Whoo Hoo. Can you imagine being up by the ceiling cat only higher??
June 1, 2008
Hey, Look
Check them out.
And don'f forget to give my little gray friend in the left hand corner of this blog some exercise. Sometimes even I forget she's there.
Other than that, the storms are over and it is nice and sunny today, and I got lots of scritchies this weekend.
Ah, Purrfection.
Love, and special scritchies to my Sugar Pie,
p.s. if you like the kitty in the corner, you may get your own. Some of you are new to blogging, and don't know about them, so double click on the kitty and you will go to the site that will show you how to get one for yourself. They are called Neko.
May 31, 2008
Weekend stuff
The bad news is that there have been a lot of bad storms, and mama has spend part of today opening and closing windows cause it rains, the sun comes out, then it gets dark and rains again.
I say, purrfect nappie weather! But then, not much isn't purrfect nappie weather, huh.
We have more news, but we will save it for later. I think.
love, and of course, kisses for my Sugar Pie,
May 28, 2008
Hello, there. An update:
Anyway, here is the kinda sad news: my mama's team at the county is breaking up and closing down. No, mama still works there. It's just next week she will be with a new team. Her team beans will be filling holes in other teams (holes???? That's what she does, fills holes???? I thought she helped beans!) and they won't be hiring for awhile. But there are beans on her team that she really likes to work with, and really likes just because they are nice people, so that is the kinda sad part.
And Friday she is taking a half day off. First she's moving stuff at work to her new team (she doesn't even know where she will be sitting and working and filling holes and stuff), which she says won't take very much time, and maybe a box (can I come and play in the box till you need it??? Please????) of stuff. Then she has a couple human vet ppointments.
We forgots to tell you all that she had some infections lately, including one in her bronk-l, her bronkuuul, her breathing. In cluding going a couple of times to Urgent Care ( if it's urgent, why does it take her soooo long when she goes?) So she is going to see if she is doing okay. And probably getting new glasses, cause that's one of her pointments.
So that's it for the week. Tomorrow we are xpecting a package (it's for mama, NOT me), and Friday she will be home late cause of bean vets, and that leaves Saturday.
Oh, don't feel too bad for her. She spent a couple of hours tonight watching You Tube stuff. And not petting me.
love, and lots of hugs for my Sugar Pie (sorry I haven't been sending them from my blog lately)
May 25, 2008
Holiday for Hugs
May 22, 2008
For Bonnie
May 20, 2008
Hi, Again
I'm getting my scritchies, and giving her purrs. We do get to spend time together.
Maxie and Fraxie are spending quality time together, too. They let me join them, too.
Mama says hi, and Maxie and Fraxie too.
We will check in again before the long weekend.
and Mama Carol
May 14, 2008
1. Hairballs just make mama clean the floor more, and clean is a good thing .
2. I make mama get out of bed in the morning, even if it is the weekend, cause I know she appreciates the help (and I get foodies and stuff, too).
3. I police the partment at least once a day to protect us.
4. I inspect every change in furniture to make sure it is a good thing.
5. I help arrange the pillows on the couch.
6. Hairballs on the bathroom carpet? Just makes mama clean my (bath)room.
7. Purring helps lower beans blood pressure and calms them, so I make sure I get scritchies so that I can purr for her.
That's my 7 useful things. If anyone else wants to play, go ahead!
ps. Your opinion is requested. Should I have mama sign all of us on our posts? Majority votes determine if I should or shouldn't. No prize, sorry. Just fun.
pps. Last weekend, in honor of Maxie coming to join our family, we had PIZZA. With HAMMS. I forgot to tell you. How could I forget HAMM! Fraxie and Maxie didn't seem very hungry, but mama and I were!
May 10, 2008
We Got the Something for All of Us
May 7, 2008
Wednesday Update
We have a package, but mama says it will be opened when we all can enjoy it. All?
We don't have another package that was sposed to be here Tuesday, and that mama is upset about, but she says it's hers, so don't worry about it. She doesn't like UPS cause they only deliver when she's working. She can't have them deliver to work--that's the county.
Who is all? What's in the box?
The plot, as they say, thickens. Well, mama says stuff like that.
I think I will take another nap.
Oh, yea. The bug beans are coming back. Since it's spring, some beans are having problems with ants, so they are going to de-ant everybean. I mean everybean's partment! The bug beans who come in are usually nice, though. And they are fast. Done and out. Not much of a nap problem there.
May 5, 2008
Hey, it's me again
I asked her how come my stuff looks so silly when I type, and when I dictate to her it looks different, and she said it was because she took classes.
When will she give them back? Did she pay for them? I take things I get in trouble.
The window by the couch has been open all day.
Spring Spring *snifff*
May 2, 2008
oh hi agan
mama hasnt been feelng well an she had to call the fone nursie last nite
anyone want to com ofer and do som nursie duty, feel free
i cant type vary well without mama
April 28, 2008
April 27, 2008
Sunday Snooze
Yes, this is an older picture of me. When the couch was against the wall. Here, it was a sunny day and my heart pillow is stripied from the blinds. And you can see the patterns the wicker lampshade makes on the wall, too.
Today started out sunny, too, but mama made a lot of noise this afternoon moving stuff around again. No, the couch is still by the window. But other stuff is getting "neatened up". She did "half " her laundry late last night. Phooey. Why do beans not have furrrs? Much easier to clean! More time with kitties!
So I am going to take a couple naps. Who knows what she'll do next.
April 25, 2008
Camera stuff
April 24, 2008
rain, rain, rain
Somebody said snow, so unsay it. Please????
ps. we think the disc was found and there might be pictures this weekend!!!!
April 23, 2008
Oh. It's supposed to be colder all the rest of the week, and even rainy. Blaaagh!
Well, anyway, yesterday and today were absolutely beautiful.
Mama has to find her disc for the camera so that she can upload pics. And she has to figure out how to make files and stuff, cause we have Vista.
love to you all,
and we just read about how Mu Shu is a hero! Wow! He saved his sisters in the fire!!!!
check out his blog!!
April 21, 2008
Anyway, there were lots of flashies tonight and rain.
And I really like the couch back where it was! It was sunny this morning and I got to lay on my heart pillow (from my Sugar Pie!) and see out the window.
Things are sorta back to normal.
The boxes are gone, however.
April 20, 2008
hello strangers
I now know what was in the boxes. A new computer! Mama set it up yesterday.
We now have high speed cable internet. As of 15 minutes ago!
Mama moved the couch back to the window yesterday!
I gotta catch up on everything!
I missed my sweet Sugar Pie!
Hope everyone is okay. I've been purraying for everyone, cause I didn't know.
April 13, 2008
April 12, 2008
Update and Purrayers

April 9, 2008
Short Update
We will update more, later.
April 7, 2008
Oh, Boy!
Not sure what is in the boxes yet. The other one hasn't come though.
Why would they have to be opened all at once?
Hope tomorrow there will be some good sunbeams.
April 6, 2008
Sunday Foggy Sunday
Mama was out with one of her friends most of yesterday. She brought a couple of boxes in, but hasn't opened them. She just said they were only partly mine, and one more is coming. Wonder what that means?
Oh, and she got more batteries, so maybe she'll get some pictures out of her camera and on here, and maybe even take some more. That's a good thing and a bad thing. You get to see my prettiness, but I have to put up with the camera.
It's back to work for her tomorrow.
Gotta check in on everyone.