December 16, 2012


This morning mommy gave me two massages.  For a long long time.  Actually, I was so happy with the first I even asked for the second.  Mommy says I am spoiled already.
The weather outside is nasty. So mommy is definitely home.  I don't know about her working on my blog, but I will try to make her.  She has promised some pictures around the building, but I don't see her going anywhere for a day or two.  Her little toe is a lot littler now, and giving her some pain.
Really, mommy.  I am declawed and you talk about pain! One toe versus two paws! You'll survive!
Yes, I'm still being nice to her.  I'm just saying...
We wanted to say thank you for helping us. We know it is a hard time for a lot of people.  And that there are a lot of needy people around the blogosphere (and elsewhere). Mommy has almost enough monies to pay the phone company up to date now.  She still has internets to pay, insurance, food, and she still has to get me some "rooster shots", whatever they are.  But whatever you can do, we are grateful.  Like I said before, it is a hard time for a lot of people. But Angel brandi needed to be taken care of, and I needed monies for my adoption and foodies, and mommy needs her medicines and things happen.  She says we are on a fixed income, and she says it's just like when she was a college student. No monies for anything. Especially hard at holiday time.
And we also wanted to say lots of prayers and purrayers for the families affected by the Sandy Hook shooting.  Hug your kids (fur and otherwise) extra, too. We have been blessed, and these families need lots more blessings because of the pain and emptiness they are going through.
Mommy said this is sounding like a sermon.  I apologize. I didn't mean to.  Maybe I need another massage to mellow out some more on this Easy Sunday?
Quick, before I fall asleep again!
Massages are purrrrfect any time, any day.
I think I picked the right mommy, don't you?


Rene said...

You sure picked the right mom, Quinn. We are sorry your mom is still going through a tough time and we purr for her and you. The most important thing is that you have each other.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure did pick the best Mommy, she sure does love you!

Mickey's Musings said...

Yup, you have a pawsome Mom :)
We purr you both stay well.We purr your Mom's toe is healing well too !!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

meowmeowmans said...

You found yourself the bestest mom ever, Quinn! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Quinn, you are so clever to have picked the right human!