June 29, 2019

Saturday Stuff

We are in a heat wave the weatherbeans on tv say. Well, we got a new a/c coolie thingie last summer, and we are comfy. Still gotta keep drinking water and keeping cool. And remembering our less fortunate friends. Please be kind.
Mommy has done a marathon watching thing with North Woods Law. 6 seasons. Took over a week. We love the woods and the animals, and really learned to appreciate those Fish and Game Wardens.  They are really dedicated. Mommy particularly likes a Sergeant Glen Lucas in New Hampshire. He, like other wardens, not only takes care of wild things but also goes on searches for lost people.
This weekend is a part of the 4th of July celebration. We heard a couple fireworks go off last night. But they don't bother me much. Hope you all find comfort if the noise bothers you.
Mommy is spending the next couple of weeks with lots of medical stuff. Sigh. Tests and ppointments and stuff keep her running okay. Well. not running. Wheeling?
love y'all.


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Its hot here, too.
Take care of your mommy, Quinn. All that doctoring stuff makes peeps tired...
(( ♥ ))

The Florida Furkids said...

Purrs to your Mommy. We hope her tests all turn out okay.

The Florida Furkids

catladymac said...

We hope all Mom's tests etc. go well, and that you have as much treats and loving as a kitty needs !

Deziz World said...

Glad ya'll are doin' well Quinn. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Katie Isabella said...

Thinking of BOTH of you! XXOO

meowmeowmans said...

We're glad to hear you're staying cool in this heat, Quinn and Mommy. Paws crossed that Mom's test's go well.